Wel, I sold my Clasics to a local kid and went with a single Alpha 15 and 1750.1. Sounds pretty good and gets loud. Can't turn up amp yet waiting for the 0 gauge wire to get here, but on 4 guage playing around I did a 152 on the AC but was still gaining when time ran out. I will give update when everything is upgraded and grounds are better
The 4 ohms in ported would probably be around 6 maybe. I would need to double check on the single 4's though. I will call him tomorrow and have him get back to you. I have to go to sleep for ow, be on more tomorrow.
alright....I'd want the box to be removable, as that would be my daily setup and then I was thinking of using my 12" alpha for some comps maybe? I don't know all the rules yet....