I was looking at a Soundstream VIR-8007 with 3.6" screen and Soundstream VIR-8000 with 3.6" screen. They can play DVDs, which is cool... and was wondering if anyone had experience with them/ knew if they were good, ok, or just plain crap. How's the picture quality? Was wondering because I could get one pretty cheap like $50-$100. Worth it?
If your looking for a cheap budget single din dvd player I'm ordering a POwer Acoustik PTID-5300 next week from sonicelectronix.com for 266 shipped and it comes with a free wiring harness and dash mount can't beat tht. I hear power acoustik sucks but I saw the deck in person and think its sexy. Its just a couple more dollars a few other budget tv/dvd are the jensen vm9312 or 11 they have excellent ipod controls also I think personally the best bang for ur buck is an alpine iva - w200 on ebay for around 450 shipped but thts a bit more than your budget listed I say save up and get something just a tad bit better unless tht deck comes with a pretty good warranty. Personnaly have never dealt with/seen a soundstream head unit so can't tell you tht just throwing a couple more options at you mark.