Ot: charging system and batteries......


Silver Member
Username: O0airjordan120o


Post Number: 228
Registered: Sep-07
im a senior this year and me and about 5 people are taking a road trip to laguna beach, mapquest says its about a 28 hour drive... we are planning on buying an old cargo van and pimpin the sh!t out of it.. obviously we will need something to do for 28 hours... i was planning on puttin a system in it(800 wrms amp) along with a tv and an xbox 360... ii was wondering if you guys think that we would need to upgrade the alt and batt.. maybe even getting 2 batts...???

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 5940
Registered: Jul-06
Get yourself a decent alt and a power inverter,get that 360 in there and play some GH3 over the system,should be fun as hell.Careful if you guys are boozin and cruisin.

Silver Member
Username: O0airjordan120o


Post Number: 229
Registered: Sep-07
lol... very careful... really nice is we pass right through denver... ;)

Gold Member
Username: Hdubb

Team Revolution

Post Number: 2937
Registered: Nov-04
maybe deep cycle batteries?

Gold Member
Username: Crayola0

2008 Nissan Versa!!, Wisconsin

Post Number: 2216
Registered: Jun-06
dude thats gunna cost a lot of money.. me and friends were planning on going to san diego to meet up with these chicks and its 30 hours. ur idea sounds good. i wish i had the money to do that

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 7130
Registered: Jul-06
"me and friends were planning on going to san diego to meet up with these chicks and its 30 hours"

no chick is worth driving 30 hours for to "meet". i dont know about you but i can drive 5 minutes to go "meet" some girls....

Silver Member
Username: O0airjordan120o


Post Number: 230
Registered: Sep-07
lol yanks... hahah not costin that much money.... bought the van for a grand 150 per person. just using my system in my car. only thing we really need to spend cash on is gas and food... split between 6 people. ironically i got a chick in cali too. she used to live up here in minnesota but went to college in cali. lol. and a ton of ladies from our school are staying down there with one of their aunts. lol

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4159
Registered: Jul-06
You will definetly need to upgrade the battery and more importantly the alternator for that.

And you will need a BIG power inverter if you plan to run a large TV on it.

Silver Member
Username: O0airjordan120o


Post Number: 231
Registered: Sep-07
ran into a bit of a problem... my friend was talking with his parents and they asked what we are doing for insurance.... gayness.. any of you know anything about insurance? like can i insure the van for a week? lol. or maybe insure it and then sell it when we get back and somehow transfer the insurance?? just anyway to get around this. and NO we are not going to drive without insurance.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4184
Registered: Jul-06
With most insurance you buy it in 6 month blocks, but I believe you can get a refund for unused time if you cancel the policy. Don't quote me on that though.

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

Palm Beach, Florida

Post Number: 5483
Registered: Jan-06
just pay by the month and cancel after the first month
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