Competition scene dying down?


Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 15756
Registered: Oct-05
does it seem like the comp scene has died down recently? i check the termpro site for new events and nothing is happening. i wonder if they are just taking a break or it is really dying down.

kinda makes me glad i switched to sq. :P

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 11192
Registered: Jun-06
No Chad. The competition scene died down BECAUSE you switched to SQ.

Silver Member
Username: Cblaze

Rock island, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 516
Registered: Sep-07
theres alot of ppl with banging system,but mostly the ppl i know are interested in just having a banging system to ride down the streets with

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 15759
Registered: Oct-05
well the main reason i wanted a loud system is so i could compete. i don't really like blasting my music while driving down the street. at the comps it gives me a chance to really let it rip. i guess my age plays a big factor in why i don't like to bump loud driving down the street. lol

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 2...

Post Number: 5576
Registered: Mar-04
The reason the comp scene is dead right now is finals just all the organizations.

Nov/Dec are always slow. It will pick up again around Feb and be full force in March.

I'm planning on hosting alil non-sactioned show at Hooters in Late Jan.
You could always drive down for that one :-)

Silver Member
Username: Cblaze

Rock island, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 518
Registered: Sep-07
my mood depends on how loud mine goes

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 15761
Registered: Oct-05
sure canaan. while i am down there i can eat a bucket of those steamed shrimp. lol.

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 4124
Registered: Nov-05
we shut down during dec for local shows..

last show this year was Nov 11th.. first show next year will begin Jan 27th

not many people want to stand around outside for 5-6hours in very cold weather just for 3 burps and a trophy .. if that ya know :-)

Silver Member
Username: Zacdavis

Beloit, Wi

Post Number: 666
Registered: Dec-03
Over all the scene has died.

I think a major contributing factor is the lack of media coverage.
To be honest, the death of AutoSound&Security hurt the sport, along with many other magazines that are no longer in print.

A huge part of one's motivation to compete is receiving recognition with a win.
Without that medium magazines provide there isn't much drive to win let alone compete.

In addition, the manufacturers aren't investing the money into these events as they previously had. Now, you see Kicker sponsoring X-games, or MTX sponsoring drag racing, and ect.

Another reason...saturation
There are soooooooo many competition organizations now. Starting with the originals, IASCA and USACi, to DB Drag, MECA, SLAP, IDBL, and I'm sure I forgot a few others.

Hey, in gym class you were proud to be king of the hill, right?, you pinned every other kid in class.
But what if there were 5 or 6 "hills", yeah your king of your hill but what about the other 5 haha.
A win these days is a watered down victory.

All in all I think the only way this sport, and i use the term sport lightly, the only way it will succeed is if ALL organizations consolidate to ONE organization.(maybe two)
Unfortunately each one has an owner that feels their org is best and each is unwilling to compromise rules, regulations, scheduling, sharing profits, ect. Which I suppose would cost half a million for consultant management alone haha...understandable a merger of this magnitude would never materialize, to bad though.

With the exception of Ralph Randall of USACi, he has foreseen the inevitable and he attempted to bring everyone together but to no avail.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 2...

Post Number: 5577
Registered: Mar-04

You hit the nail on the head.

I know in some parts of the country, some Orgs dominate over others. USACi is big here in Louisiana/Miss/Tx. I don't thing there has been more than 2 dBDrags in Louisiana in 2yrs, and MECA is non-existent.

Ralph at least tried to pull the Orgs together w/ a unified finals, but that fell threw.

I would really like to see 2 Orgs. One for the 'legal' the the 'outlaws'. That would simplify things and allow larger shows to draw bigger crowds.

Hell...didn't USACi and MECA finals happen the same weekend this past year???

Silver Member
Username: Zacdavis

Beloit, Wi

Post Number: 669
Registered: Dec-03
Yeah its to bad Wayne won't jump on board.
If they merged together the others would be forced to out or to conform.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4153
Registered: Jul-06
It's off season, thats why

There aren't many comps in the winter, especially in the northern states. Nobody wants to try and have a comp when it's 10 degrees with a foot of snow.
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