ok why cant the have a collage or trade schoool for what i want to learn why cant they have a school so i can go to school and learn how to do car audio for my profession instead i have to move to freak BFE this is lame i might as well give tthis dream up
J i live in louisville the worst place in kentucky you turn the news on to find out whats going on in the state and you have to go through about 30 minutes of people getting killed and raped and murdered
lol wow this turned into like a murray forum fast reece i want to get certified in car audio becuz i would want to get job in the field not in puting people electric in
most ppl who do car audio have electrical background i.e - electrical technician, electrical engineer, electricians pretty much. anything having to do with car audio installation and development you need an electrical background and base of knowledge. unless ur designing or building boxes or doing fiberglass or something