ok and ive thought about just getting everybody together on here and makin one,the one we got here right now,has kicker cvrs as highly recommended they do the job but there not that good
im giving 2 of them bout 500 a piece and there takin it.but only been in for a couple of days,they dont sound the hottest but loud and get pretty low and only getting .92 sq of airspace a piece,but i know they aint the best,but for the pricei payed im not complaiuning
If everybody does that we'll end up with 1000 different versions of that damn list. It's not prefect and everybody's opinions are different so it will never be perfect in everyone's view.
It is only meant to be a general guide for beginners to know whether a particular brand is worth considering or not. Something we can point people to when they say "which sub should I get: sony, volfenhag, or pyle" when they could get, say a kicker CVR, for similar price.
It is not prefect in everyone's eyes and never will be.
i meant make ur own for urself to use. i agree every1 looks at products differently. what i personally dont like might be on some1 elses highly recommended side
I got tired of working on that list because of the influx of asshats like Chauncey Brown whining about how biased it was, or how they disagree with this being here and that being there. screw em.