Well right now I'm rocking with (3) 8" Kicker L5 in a ported box. Its being powered by 1 audiobahn A8000T but I have 2 of those amps but only one is being used right now. Now I'm not a complete noob I kno about Fi,DD,MMatts,audio que etc etc. But I want two 12" or 3 12" subs to be powered by those 2 amps I listed above I'm not upgrading my electrical system so save the spiel (sp) I kno if it blows then ill get a HO alt but yea depending on how much I get for those kickers on ebay I'm saying around 200 I'm willing 2 spend up to 500 dollars for the 12" subs two or three with a box. Thts if I get the 200 for my kickers on ebay. What do you guys reccomend I was kinda looking for something more mainstream but not type r's I want something I can get a deal on ebay or something. My car is a 05 toyota camry I want a SQL setup get back to me guys ill post my tv question in another post because this one is getting to long.
what amps do you have? like exact model numbers? i say get 2 12inch eclipse ti's they go on ebay for around $200 a piece, or maybe some mmats dreadnaught, treo ssi, AA arsenal, ssa icon, to name a few.
I have Audiobahn A8000T not being a smart a** but I did say it in the post the are 800 wats at 2 ohms... and its really puttin out 800 not false claiming like most amps
You're going to blow sh1t up running 1.6K RMS on a stock charging system.Get an alt now and worry about subs later.Be smart and save yourself money in the long run,get a high output alternator.
I didit b4 no problems I have a cap I kno they don't do much but its better than nothing the reason I'm acting like the alt doesn't matter is bcuz I have a bumper to bumper wanrranty everything is covered so when if it blows then ill get that... plus he wanted like 600 for 1 plus another 500 for install.}
"is bcuz I have a bumper to bumper wanrranty everything is covered so when if it blows then ill get that... plus he wanted like 600 for 1 plus another 500 for install.}"
I bet they won't cover your alternator.You can install an alternator yourself so...don't worry about that 500 bucks Dwight.600 dollars does sound a bit high,who quoted you at that price?
lol some companies will void any warantee if you modify your car in any way.. sometimes even just the stupid deck.. you better read your warranty and call the place where you got it to find out..
" are 800 wats at 2 ohms... and its really puttin out 800 not false claiming like most amps" hahaha audiobahn is overrated your lucky if you get 500wrms from that POS.
Um excuse me dustin b4 you open your ignorant mouth do some research. Ask around the forum is that amp isn't puttin out 800 RMS I kno audiobahn sucks its all flash but the amps I have are actually one of there good products. Thanx for entertaining me with your intelligence.
Umm Dwight even tho that amp is decent i dunno if it really puts out 800rms like it says. Audiobahn is known for failure,Im not tryin to be a d*ck Im jus statin the facts. I wouldnt use anything by Audiobahn if it was given to me. Just my opinion.
Well if you want SQL id ditch your L5s and maybe look into getting a new HDC3 or maybe a Fi BL or Q. For the HDC3 you should prolly give it about 2k rms so look into the new AQ amps or if your on a budget Hifonics. For the BL or Q you will need about 1k and theres alot of good amps that put out 1k for a good price. Hifonics,Kicker,Orion,PPi,etc.
}I don't really want a sub that requires more than 800-1K RMS because then I'm gona have to spend a fortune on amps. So that HDC3 is out and the Q is like straight sq sub right? I'm look at the BL specs I don't know wether to get flatwind or copper coil tho I'm still kinda in the noob region a lil. Hey thanx for the suggestions finnally some1 helps w/o downing what I have now.
The Q is more SQ and the BL is more SPL/SQL. I would go with the BL if I were you. Dont get any options and just get a decent 1000wrms amp for it and build a ported box for it and you'll love it. Oh and yea theres alot of d*cks on here just ignore em,everyone was a noob at one time,I still consider myself a noob.
I think the differant coil options will just give the sub more power handling,not positive on that tho. And cooling would be a good idea but if your just giving it 1000wrms its not a must.
Well looks like 2 12" BLs it is I have no clue which amp to get that aint gona run me a fortune bcuz I've been reading tht hifonics sucks. Do those BL's need a big box you said go ported right or sealed? And 1 more thing if I'm giving 1K to each sub should I get a 2000 watt amp or 2 1000 watt amps?
Hifonics amps dont suck but yea theres better out there for sure. I just mentioned Hifonics if you were on a budget. And I would get 1 amp that does like 1800-2000wrms @ 1ohm and make sure and get the dual 1ohm subs. But you know running that much power you'll have to upgrade your alt which i thought you said you didnt wanna do. Maybe just get 1 15" instead of 2 12s
Nah ill upgrade once I find out the dude on ebays name. But hey I find a 2000K hifonics on ebay for 300 bucks I'm going 2 make a seperate post about it. Its doing 2000 @ 1 ohm but would I want to get dual 2 ohm subs so they can be wired down to run @ 1ohm. And what makes 1 amp better than another if its putting out what it claims too?
Iraggi makes alts on ebay for a good price. Hifonics would be a good budget amp but like i said theres better out there but it will cost more. If you get one amp that does 2000wrms @ 1ohm you will need to get 2 dual 1ohm subs so they can be wired to 1ohm. If you get 2 amps then you will either need to get 2 dual 2ohm subs and 2 amps that put out 1000wrms @ 1ohm each,or 2 dual 1ohm subs and 2 amps that put out 1000wrms each @ 2ohms. amps are just more complicated to install,you will need 2 runs of wire from your bat. or a dist. block and you will have to set the gains on each amp exact,so IMO its better to just get 1 amp that will do 2000wrms @ 1ohm. Plus one amp will prolly be cheaper than 2.
Iight thanx damn I'm gona be spending a lot lets hope I get a lot of money for my setup on ebay. Ok thanx for all the help... ima post ma amp to see if any1 knows anything better for the money or something}