Just trying to think of some ideas.. was messing with sketchup and came up with this..
I want to fire the port into the cabin but the only way i can do that is through the center section that folds down.. And firing the sub up
I could do a similar design firing the sub back towards the back of the trunk but above where the sub would be firing up is a cutout for a factory sub which later on I plan on removing and putting an aero port through the rear deck to get the front phase of the sub while the rear phase fires through the center
With the setup like this i can have my amps on the front along with my audiocontrol eqs
If I fired the sub back and port through the center section i'd have to notch the box on the passenger side on top for a bulge the seatbelt creates there... but then im stuck finding somewhere else to mount the amps.. which i could do in the floor
And of course there is always sealed.. which ive never been fond of