Thinkin about getting a new fi Q 15 and saw you get upgrade with bp power, was wonderding how much the bp power would allow the sub to be pushed. sub rated at 1000w rms? thanks
Those are the voice coil options. If you only plan on having one subwoofer, the dual two can be wired in parallel for a 1 ohm load, and the dual 1 ohm can be wired in series for a 2 ohm load. Find a good amp that does the power you want at either 1 or 2 ohms, and get the subwoofer voice coil options to match.
alright well i have been looking around and i really want to bump with either the Q or the BL. I have been hearing the Q is just for sound quality so i was thinking of getting the BL. But the Q has the bp power option so im suck on what will hit harder? Any help??
From what I know the BL will hit harder; it's more efficient and fully loaded can handle more power. It should still sound pretty good, too. The Q will sound better, and hit the *extreme* low notes better.
Hope that helps, someone will correct me if I am wrong. It all depends on what you are looking for. Sounds like the BL in your case.