Testing Amp Wattage?


Bronze Member
Username: Koondawg06

Post Number: 35
Registered: Sep-06
Is there any way to test how many watts my amplifier is putting to my subwoofers? My amplifier is bigger than my subs so I'm afraid to blindly turn the level and bass too high and blow my brand new subs, however I want to maximize what my subs can handle. If there are any devices or suggestions I'd appreciate to hear from you. Thanks! :-)

Gold Member
Username: Mixmastaspig

Canada, Canada Canada

Post Number: 1148
Registered: Sep-05
How much more rms is your amp than your subs?

If your subs are say 500rms each and your amp is 1,500rms, they will be fine. When you crank the tunes mega loud your amp will try to push more power than it can causing distortion which is how you blow subs really fast. Overpower them a tad is usualy trivial, I am giving my subs 2,000 more rms then is reccomened and they are fine, just don't drive around with the voulume at 3/4 full.

Bronze Member
Username: Koondawg06

Post Number: 36
Registered: Sep-06
well my subs are 400 rms a piece,.. my amplifier has 1920 watts written on it but I'm not sure if that's rms or not.. here's the links to what I've got.


Gold Member
Username: Naledge503


Post Number: 2027
Registered: Jun-06
440 Watts x 2 @ 2 ohms

Just wire each sub to its own channel and your good.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 12042
Registered: Dec-03
to truly see the output of an amp, you need a non reactive dummy load, a regulated power supply for the amp, and an oscilloscope with non-inductibve leads.

With these tools, you can power the amp without fluctuation in input or output, and read the output voltage and current on the scope.

Bronze Member
Username: Koondawg06

Post Number: 37
Registered: Sep-06
i guess that scope would probably be pretty expensive? Thanks for the info everyone

Gold Member
Username: N2audio

Lawrence, Ks USA

Post Number: 1391
Registered: Mar-04
just set your gain using a DMM and 0dB test tones.
It's a pretty simple process - a lot of forums have sticky's on the topic.

Check the amp sectio at caraudio.com
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