Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2586 Registered: Nov-04 | hey mr. longo come out and playeyay! lol. hey you told me youd get on so i could talk some sht to you so get on! |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6409 Registered: Jul-06 | longo is probably busy being depressed along with me and loudon..... |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2588 Registered: Nov-04 | why is that? he told me he would get on a few hours ago and its been a few hours. i told him i was gonna make the thread title " longo is a dirty old man who likes the smell of fishy tacos. lmao he asked me if i was drunk. lol |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6525 Registered: Nov-04 | Well are you drunk? He's probably busy with his wife. |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10427 Registered: Dec-04 | I was out to dinner when you asked me that you little biotch! lol Isaac was right![]() |
Silver Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 437 Registered: Apr-06 | although you didnt ask me i still will asnwer i despise the yanks but i dont think torre should be fired. i mean the yanks had no offense in games one and two and their starting pitching was a mess through the entire series. we all know that he is a great manager and if he does end up getting fired then i know he will end up somewhere else, if he wants to. |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2595 Registered: Nov-04 | haha well look who it is. sorry i woke you up man. i just miss you gonna start a search for joe smoe.... |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10428 Registered: Dec-04 | Nicky boy hasn't been on in a few months! I agree with you Kyle, what happened to the yanks in the last series was not Torre's fault in any way. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6410 Registered: Jul-06 | all i can say, is torre isnt pitching the ball or hitting....and come to think of it, neither were the yanks lol. but seriously, torre should not be fired. theres no debate needed. im gonna be very disappointed if he is fired. torre is a great guy and a even better manager. i am upset at what has happened the past 3-4 years, but in no way is that torres fault. he does what he can do to give the team the best shot of winning. we just need to execute |
Gold Member Username: LoudonPost Number: 1789 Registered: Jun-04 | first of all i agree entirely bout the no firing torre ... the person who needs to be fired "" is steinbrenner .. the man is to old school in the new era of the mlb he needs to give his duties to his son ... and step down ... everyone says its all cashman this cashman that ... cashman cant make one deal unless its through the george ... who do u think writes the check ... not cashman ... i think he needs to get rid of dead weight in the pen ... resign abreu .. because lets face it theres no one else if u look on the free agent market .. unless they sign torri hunter or andruw jones ... both would excel in yankee staduim .. with the short porch in right arod is a must sign plain and simple without them they are 15 games under 500 clemens needs to go ... obviously ... posada needs to signed as well ... who is gonna catch? u cant have jose molina catch the whole year ... defensively yes .. but 5 homers and 30 rbis while batting 230 isnt gonna cut it |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5278 Registered: Jul-06 | I still can't believe James won that sub back in that raffle.Does he have it all hooked up? |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2596 Registered: Nov-04 | i dont think he has yet. =\ |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6412 Registered: Jul-06 | i absolutly agree with all that loudon |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6528 Registered: Nov-04 | I kind of disagree. Name one GM in sports that had a budget of $200+ mil. Cashman was in charge of the trades & drafts. George only approved the money. So you can't blame George for all the team's failures. If Florida Marlines had Yankee's budget, they would've won 5 - 10 world series by now (look at all the players they had to sell, including Bosox's ace and Blue Jays AJ). I blame the GM for all the bad trades/free agent signings & drafts. If Cashman had any guts/brains, he would've traded ARod. He's just a selfish player that never performed during the playoffs. If you add up all the failed players that Cashman traded/signed you'd have over $250 mil in salaries. The only GM that would be as bad came from the same city/state, Mike for New York Islanders hockey team. If Torres gets fired, I hope Blue Jays hire him and dump their current stiff/experienceless Manager. This is the same mamager that had 2 lineup mistakes and costed outs. I can understand once in a blue moon, but twice in the same year? I think a monkey with a banana could've done a better job for the blue jays. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6415 Registered: Jul-06 | well arod was one of the best performers in the playoffs for the yanks this year..... |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6529 Registered: Nov-04 | Are you serious? For a guy getting $25 mil for 6 month's worth of play, only had 4 hits. How many times did he strike out with men on base? If he hit a ground ball, some of them could've scored, but instead, he struck out. I know you're a Yankee's fan, but surely you knew about that right? |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 5281 Registered: Jul-06 | Baseball sucks anyways.It's a bunch of out of shape guys that get paid way too much money for what they do.Football players should get paid what baseball players do and yea...they really need a salary cap.$10,000,000 sounds like a good price for a year doesn't it?Hell...that's too much.Look at the Cubs much did they spend on players and they got owned in the playoffs,I loved every second of it. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6531 Registered: Nov-04 | I used to root for Cubs cause they had what you called "blue collar" players. They played hard for good money. Now, they are like Yankees, spent tons of money and got nothing in return during the playoffs (the most important part of the season). Rob, I think this is the first time we both agree 100% on something. |
Gold Member Username: LoudonPost Number: 1790 Registered: Jun-04 | umm what about all the homegrown talent on the yankees tho? posada rivera jeter wang cano cabrera pettitte chamberlain nooo other team has that many players on it from their farm system |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6534 Registered: Nov-04 | If you were allowed to have unlimited budget, time, and freedom, then anyone can look like a genius. What's so hard about overpay stiffs like Jason, ARod and Roger? How much money did they pay Rogers to pitch 10 times during the regular season and none during the playoffs? Try $26 mil. How much brains does it take to do that? All those players you mentioned, how many do you think it was Cashman's idea/pick? Because they have so much money to spend, they can "afford" to hire the best scouts. I hate to say it, but baseball is one sport where it needs salary cap. Yankees and Bosox are like cheaters. One other thing, had Yankees not have unlimited suppy of money, how many of the players you mentioned would still be a Yankee? Other teams lose their best players to free agency. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 6422 Registered: Jul-06 | "What's so hard about overpay stiffs like Jason, ARod and Roger?" stiffs?!? i hope yuo dont mean that like saying their bad lol. AROD should be the MVP this year and if you honestly just called him a stiff then you need to quit posting about baseball....roger is a 350 game winner in his career, but your right hes a stiff lol(sarcasm if you cant tell)....and jason, he was out half the year but hes usally good for roughly 30 hrs and some good rbis and some clutch in awe you just called them stiffs lol and about arod not performing in the playoffs.....very few players on the team had more than 4 hits in the series. only 3 players on the team had 4+ hits in the series....the best performers were my boy robi cano and johnny damon....besides, its not like arod led the team to the playoffs this year or anything....without him, they would have been a .500 team this year |
Gold Member Username: LoudonPost Number: 1792 Registered: Jun-04 | how are they cheaters when the 70 percent of the starting lineup this year was from their farmsystem |
Gold Member Username: Skibum12189Cleveland Post Number: 1872 Registered: Mar-06 | ....go tribe!!! |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10429 Registered: Dec-04 | I completely agree with Yanks and Louden, the main performer's in the playoffs were cano and Damon! Damon just excell's in the playoffs always and Cano is just a amazing yankee farm raised athlete. jaba is another one that performs like a million bucks. Everyone says that pohh the yankee's bought there team but it's the guys like cabrerra and cano and Jaba that are all making under 1mill that without their contributions we would have not even seen the playoffs!!! Torre is the man and he deserves to be congratulated for taking a team that was 14.5 back in may and doing what they did which most people even some yankee fans were calling an impossible feat! Steinbrenner is a old bast@rd that needs to step down and allow new blood to run the team the new way not his old way. I will think of more I am sure and post again but thats it for now lol! |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 2607 Registered: Nov-04 | i make this thread to talk sh!it longo not baseball! it!i dont watch baseball anymore got sick of it when the only thing started talking about was steriods. but i agree ith whoever said i but i think football players should be payed just as much if not more then mlb players. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6535 Registered: Nov-04 | ARod is a STIFF cause he only performs when his record's on the line. Roger is a STIFF cause for $26 mil, he only gave 10 starts and NO playoff. Jason is a STIFF cause for $36 mil, all he did was contribute NOTHING in the playoffs. To me STIFFS are anyone that can't contribute or contributes less than the guys making MLB minimums. If you say without ARod, Yankees would've been 500 team? Not true. If he wasn't there, I'm sure someone else would've been playing, perhaps another rookie like Cano? So you can't just take away ARod's number. However, you can for Roger and Jason. They gave almost nothing back for the millions they took. You say most of the players are from their OWN farm system right? Well who can't do that with $200+ mil budget? Look at all the other teams, they lost their "star" players cause they couldn't afford to keep them. BlueJays for example, lost Carlos cause they couldn't afford him. Imagine if they still had them? Where would the Yankees and Bosox be? If you put Carlo's numbers, that could've gave the Jays 12 - 15 games. The $200+ mil budget has a ripple effect. With that much money, any team will be able to keep ALL their young talents as well as add "all stars" to their lineup. Don't you wonder why other teams have parity? That's cause, to get a star player during the trade deadlines, they had to give up young talent. Yankees never have up anyone of significant talent, cause they always relied on money. Bosox spent $100+ on a pitcher. Don't you think that's cheating? Look at Andy, Yanks stole him away from Astros with money. Look where Astros ended without Andy and Rogers? I hope MLB brings salary cap for the reasons above. To bring parity like NFL. I don't hate Yanks nor Bosox, just don't like seeing them every year winning cause of money. I used to root for Cubs, but this year, they cheated by spending way more than other clubs. I know you don't see that as cheating, but do you recall seeing one of Simpsons old episode, where they bought every all stars to win a company ball game? That's what Yankees and Bosox are like. Okay I'm done with baseball now. I hope Bosox loses next! |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10440 Registered: Dec-04 | I agree with a lot of what you have to say isaac salary cap should deff be enforced it would make for a much more level playing field. I just hate the fans that hate the yanks or boston because the owners decided to spend a lot of money recruiting. It's not the teams fault they shouldn't be penelized. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6537 Registered: Nov-04 | Yeah I know. I just hate seeing 2 teams almost guaranteed to go to the final every year, while other teams struggle. I'm all about fairness, and after a while, it's not fun watching those 2 run over everyone else day after day. Now it's another story when Yanks and Bosox have to play each other. I watch that. Wouldn't it be great if all teams were able to compete like that? |