Diamond/boston acoustics


Silver Member
Username: Charlesbhs

Dallas, Tx USA

Post Number: 276
Registered: Jan-07
what are some good amps/subs/speakers from these companies? mostly wanting to know about subs?

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 3675
Registered: Nov-05
depends on your budget..

Silver Member
Username: Charlesbhs

Dallas, Tx USA

Post Number: 277
Registered: Jan-07
i wasnt thinking of a budget yet. I just went to a car audio store today and saw they sold these brands, so i was wondering if there are any good products they have that i should go back and check out.

Gold Member
Username: Skibum12189


Post Number: 1832
Registered: Mar-06
basically all of diamonds products are nice....i have their HEX components and they're amazing, i've heard their d3 subs and they sounded really clean..great company all around

i do not know much about boston

Silver Member
Username: Charlesbhs

Dallas, Tx USA

Post Number: 278
Registered: Jan-07
anybody else have any oppinions?

Bronze Member
Username: Crossfired

Post Number: 46
Registered: Mar-07
Most all of the Boston stuff is good to very good, for the most part SQL. As far as the Diamond stuff gos, I've never thought they were any good. But I'm really into SQ and not SPL.

Silver Member
Username: Charlesbhs

Dallas, Tx USA

Post Number: 279
Registered: Jan-07
what could the spg555 be compared to?
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