SQ, sound quality continued


Silver Member
Username: Zacdavis

Beloit, Wi

Post Number: 640
Registered: Dec-03
In my opinion juliob, I think at this level the sound quality will be subjective to the listener.
All the products you've listed are high-end pieces, but they all have their own unique sound, just as each human has their own unique set of decibel receptors, aka, the ears, and so what may sound good to me or Kevin or any other person, may not be what sounds best to you.
As for build quality and value, I'm not sure, they're all built with an acute attention for detail.
Sound quality is so subjective.
Personally?...I'm a purist, all analog(vinyl, tape), stereophonic recording, stereophonic playback, tube amplification, i'm not much of a digital connoisseur lol. I like the detail, thee immense amount of information digital playback can provide, but theres just something that is lost, an aura, a....umm, i dont know, i think its the 3rd dimension that you can only attain with a stereo phonic signal and play back.
You need "depth" perception for an accurate representation of sound, the same rings true stereoscopically.
Theres more to a recording than dynamic range.

The ears work much like the eyes.
With ONE eye, you can only "see" a ONE image, or a 2 dimensional image.
With TWO eyes, your brain differentiates between the two images giving you a THIRD dimension.
Commonly referred to as "depth perception".
Which is why a person who is blind in one eye doesnt possess the ability to differentiate whether or not an object is coming closer to them or just getting larger, they have no depth perception.
Well the same is true with audio.
Your ears have this ability as well, with with one ear, you can hear just fine, how loud something is, how quiet it is, but!....you wont be able to hear where it is coming from.

In an analog stereophonic recording, theres something special, a real-time re-representation of sound. Played back stereo-phonically a listener can close his/her eyes and not only hear the amplitude and detail of the recording...but more importantly they can visualize where each sound is coming from.
Forget music for a second, imagine a recording of a helicopter flying in a circle around you.
Ideally, you would want to record with 2 microphones each on their own channel, with a distance no more than 6 to 10 inches apart, much like your ears.
Now, when this is played back in stereo, you can close your eyes and audibly see(lol) the helicopter flying around you.
This is an example of depth perception, a 3rd dimension.

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio

Post Number: 3612
Registered: Jan-05
wow, interresting read, i like your example for depth perception.

Silver Member
Username: M0nkeyman692

Post Number: 363
Registered: Feb-07
good stuff^^

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 12034
Registered: Dec-03
sounds like this was an interesting thread.
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