So last weekend I installed my 220amp iraggi alternator and upgraded the big 3 with 0GA wire. I also bought two new identical batteries and replaced my original battery with one of these. Now I am looking for some wiring advice.
I have a us amps ax-3200de to power my re audio 18"XXX and a us amps merlin MD41 to power my MB Quart RVF and RUA 216 speakers as well as an extra battery to hook up. How should I do this? The last install I did was 6 years ago and a lot more simple. I'm very confused on how to intergrate my 2nd battery with the two amps and if I should be running 0GA power directly to my ax-3200.
You don't really need more than 1 battery. But as long as they are identical, you can use 2.
Run two 0 awg wires from the front battery to the 2nd battery in the back. One for power the other for ground. The connect the amps power and ground to the terminals on the battery in the back.