Hooking up 2 batteries, one soley for my 18"XXX


New member
Username: Dastunna

Post Number: 8
Registered: Apr-07
I'm trying to figure out how to wire up 2 batteries. I have a 220amp iraggi alternator and I want one of the batteries to power my us amps 3200 and the other to power my car and Merlin 41 amp. Any links or comments would help....

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 1...

Post Number: 5279
Registered: Mar-04
To have 2 totally separate batts, you will have to get a Battery-Isolator. That will allow the Alt the charge both batts, but one batt will work only for the amp...the other only for the car's electrical.

Or, you could go a much cheaper route and get 2 of the same batts and just wire them up parrallel. (One under the hood, one near the amp) That way both the amp and car's electrical system will draw from both batts.

New member
Username: Dastunna

Post Number: 10
Registered: Apr-07
what should the amp rating be on the isolator?

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6488
Registered: Nov-04
The isolator should equal the power you're wishing to draw.
Since you have 220A alternator, I'd get an isolator that's rated 180A - 190A tops. You always want to leave some power for the car.
For your situation, battery isolator is the ONLY solution.

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Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 5021
Registered: Jul-06
"For your situation, battery isolator is the ONLY solution"

Or!Don't play with your car off and don't drop your voltage although that might not be possible with that alt.If you're draining your batt to the point of where your car doesn't start you probably clipped your audio too.That's why I don't recommend Isolators because if you'd dump your batts like that you'll clip anyways and ruin or damage things.
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