Archive through September 02, 2007


Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 263
Registered: Apr-07
I was posting on another forum and decided I'd go ahead and do one here too.

I'll get pics of the equipment tomarrow.
4 18" btls fully loaded
4 memphis mojo 4kws
20ft net tuned to 36.1hz:


So there's my cheap table saw. It works great for what it is. That angle was cut free-hand with a jigsaw- even still it's damn near perfect


I started putting the sides and back together.


Pic of the back and the circle cutting thing I bought. It looks fancy, and it'll cut anywhere from 8" circles up to 50+ inch.

I'm making an interchangable port, so I had to make it this way. I tried using a that circle thing, but I broke the bit by rushing it. I'll just go exchange it tomarrow and try again (that was just a scrap piece of wood).


Some corner pieces that will be fiberglassed in place. I put a bottle of titebond II in there to show how big it really is. The final port will be 30"x8".

That little piece of wood will be where I'll countersink the threaded rod that will be bracing it. I really hate the look of threaded rod, so this will make it so you don't have to see it.

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2786
Registered: Mar-06
nice work.

Gold Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 1172
Registered: Oct-05

whats ur charging look like?

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 265
Registered: Apr-07
We bought a fixer-upper house and had a few k worth of bills pop up with fixing it. (Whole new heat/cooling for the house). Since I had to pay for that my electrical upgrade $ is on hold.

I'll have 3-4 iraggi 260s by the end of next month hopefully, maybe 2 months tops (trust me when I say I'll be satisfied to go easy on the gain till then). I have 1 run of 1/0 now, but when I install the amps I'll put in the 3 other runs. I have 3 batteries now, I'll have 6 when I'm finished.

Again, it'll be beefed up properly when done.

Bronze Member
Username: Deadrabit

Post Number: 66
Registered: Jun-07
OMG! do u know how loud that is going to be!!!!!!! U HAVE TO MAKE A VID WHEN UR DONE!

Silver Member
Username: Jesse59672


Post Number: 568
Registered: Feb-07
i would tune higher if your going for comps. 10-16k rms.. hope that isn't your daily driver lol.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 270
Registered: Apr-07
Thanks, I plan on it.
I don't know how loud it'll be, especially since I can't turn it up without the alternators in anyway soo.

Gold Member
Username: Jkidder


Post Number: 1831
Registered: Nov-05
whatbatts r u goin with???

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 5909
Registered: Jul-06

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 271
Registered: Apr-07
It's my daily driver. I don't want to compete only. I wan't to play music on it. I'm going to try 36hz at first, then 32 to see the difference it makes. 35-36 thats in there now sounds great.
I'm sure it'll put up OK numbers, but fairly low for how much power/sub is in there because I want it to sound good too.

Last comp with 2 18s and stock charging it put up 150.2 at 40, (from 150.8 at 35hz in the other vehicle). I bassraced 149.9 with a decent alternator in the old vehicle, about 148 with stock. I'm sure I'll gain a good bit with a better charging system.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 272
Registered: Apr-07
I already have optima yellows. I know there's much better, but no one sells ANYTHING else around here, soooo I'm going with those for now- something better later.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 12067
Registered: Jul-05
holy fack !!!!!!

my 4 cheap 10s does a hell of a job & a 144.4DBs reading so we can only imagine when u get this sh1t fully installed & those subs broken in .....

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 621
Registered: Jan-06
Why 36hz?

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 276
Registered: Apr-07
Because it's about where I'm tuned with those 2 18s and I like the way it sounds. Also I can get 240sq inches of port with 20ft net very easily. why- what do you think?

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 277
Registered: Apr-07
Plus the fact I'm like 2-3 inches from the rear hatch, and as long as I don't have any problems it should load nicely and drop the tuning a bit.

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 622
Registered: Jan-06
damn i thought you said you had it tuned lower to like 33 or 32 before

Gold Member
Username: Theweasel

2 12 FI SSD, Colorado U.S. of A

Post Number: 1040
Registered: Mar-06
what car is this going in?

Silver Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Post Number: 531
Registered: Mar-07
holy fu(k

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 278
Registered: Apr-07
A tahoe. No, I had it tuned around 35, I'm sure it dropped a bit with as close as I had those to the rear door too, but it played almost flat from 32-42.
New vehicle next to the old yukon.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 12071
Registered: Jul-05
since u say only 2-3" away - wont that like muffle the flow of air out the box (less rattle too) .....if were me i would like to have about a ft away but then u already built ur box ....

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 623
Registered: Jan-06
this has all be thought about. having the box a foot away would take away a lot of internal airspace.
if its bad enough he can get a lil more room by taking off the panel in the back or something..

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 12074
Registered: Jul-05
well whats done is done - i dont wanna discourage the guy ......

Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

A-ToWn, 9515 thumpin... What u bumpin?

Post Number: 3485
Registered: Mar-06
It does make a difference rovin, when i was testing my subs in my old blazer (the 2 dd9515's) my port was 4inchs away and hit like 151 on a AC and then when i moved it away about 8inchs i hit like 153's on the AC but the SQ was much better closer to it, it was also only like 2Krms... btw be prepared to beat the F*^@ outta that rear door

Gold Member
Username: Jkidder


Post Number: 1834
Registered: Nov-05
ur running 4 4k's on a stock alt? not good

Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

A-ToWn, 9515 thumpin... What u bumpin?

Post Number: 3487
Registered: Mar-06
i hope you got a serious charging system, i hear them amps fry at low voltage pretty easy. I didnt realize it said 4 4kw's....

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 286
Registered: Apr-07
We bought a fixer-upper house and had a few k worth of bills pop up with fixing it. (Whole new heat/cooling for the house). Since I had to pay for that my electrical upgrade $ is on hold.

I'll have 3-4 iraggi 260s by the end of next month hopefully, maybe 2 months tops (trust me when I say I'll be satisfied to go easy on the gain till then). I have 1 run of 1/0 now, but when I install the amps I'll put in the 3 other runs. I have 3 batteries now, I'll have 6 when I'm finished.

Again, it'll be beefed up properly when done."

I had two btls with 7.5 net each about 4-5 inches from the rear door, and it sounded great imo. Mainly just lowered the tuning a bit. If it doesn't work I get to do a new build , but I'm pretty sure it'll work good.

Also there's no way to get the space I need and still see out the windows without building that far back. I've thought about it a lot, and this is how I'm going with it, but thanks for the advice.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4484
Registered: Jul-06
That's gonna be retarded loud but it looks like you're quite away from completion.It'll be cold outside by the time you get the charging all finished up.I can't wait to see that alt setup.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 287
Registered: Apr-07
Yeah, I'll have the actual box build finished by this weekend if things go right, but I won't have the under-the-hood electrical work done for a while. Even with the voltage sitting happily at 13v or so it was stupid loud with two subs, so I figure even though the electrical will have to wait, it'll still be retarded.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 288
Registered: Apr-07
Okay, 2 layers of mat and one of cloth later, I ran out. I got the bottom corners all covered good, but I'll be going to lowes today anyway. I didn't realize how much I was going to need.

Crappy 4.1 meg camera, and the lights hitting it wierd, but theres a bit of progress.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4505
Registered: Jul-06
I really want to see the bracket(s) that you make for all of those alts.You're going to have so much engine lag off the line lol.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4507
Registered: Jul-06
I may tear out my A/C and install an alt in place.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 289
Registered: Apr-07
I'm buying one from dominick iraggi, no one around here does that kind of work, and I'm sure not willing to.
I don't know about the lag lol.
It's got ~300hp and more torque than that. I'm considering dropping in a 6.0 in the next year or so, but I'll probably just supercharge this one.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 290
Registered: Apr-07
With over 600-700lbs of audio equipment though, I'm definitely not racing anyone from the light

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 291
Registered: Apr-07
No a/c would be aweful! where do you live (or is that not your daily driver)?

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4510
Registered: Jul-06
I live in Chicago and I have AC but I don't even use it anyways.I work in a warehouse and it gets hot in those box trucks so I'm pretty used to ridiculous heat.I used my AC once the entire year because this girl that I was with was complaining it was hot but after I dropped her a ss off I shut the AC off instantly :-)

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 296
Registered: Apr-07

Man, here in Myrtle Beach its muggy as crap. It'll be 80, but so humid you sweat just walkin to your car.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4534
Registered: Jul-06
Heh,it was like 100 here one day and humidity was way up there and I still went and did my routine running.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 302
Registered: Apr-07
No sir, I must have that a/c. What about a hood scoop and building your alternator(s) up like a supercharger? (kinda gey but again, I love a/c).

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4539
Registered: Jul-06
Lol.A hood scoop on an Astro van?Oh god lol...that would look sooo retarded but the charging would be good :-) I'll tear out the AC before doing a raised up bracket lol.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 304
Registered: Apr-07

Mock up of the port. Pieces line up nice, they're just not fastened together till I roundover the port.
I cant work on it anymore for a while - have to do real work.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4558
Registered: Jul-06
Looking good Troy.The fact that you have to do real work is a damn shame :-(

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 306
Registered: Apr-07
Tell me about it. I promised the wife she'd have a washer and dryer before I put my subs in, so I have to to some electrical work and put in the washer/dryer.

Silver Member
Username: Denim, MD

Post Number: 438
Registered: Nov-06
Keep up the good work.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4559
Registered: Jul-06
You should have never bought the cow and you wouldn't be in this mess :-)

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 6308
Registered: Jun-04
nice troy doin it right man with 4 260 amp alts and this thing is going to be so loud if you did 150.2 db with two 18's and stock alt. movin up to four 18's and good charging

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4565
Registered: Jul-06
Troy isn't out for a crazy high number on the meter.He's after the super crazy earth shaking lows :-)But then again...he is doing an interchangeable port.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 307
Registered: Apr-07
Thanks denim.
Ah, but 'the cow' Who's hot as all get out is making me lunch right now.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14961
Registered: Oct-05
good stuff man. looks like you are on your way to an insane daily driver. poor car.

the box progress is coming out very nicely. you da man.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 308
Registered: Apr-07
Thanks :D

I wish it didn't have that sun roof
At the last comp they told me I was hitting 155 with the subs, but the vibration was bringing me down to 150.2... From a sun roof that I know is going to get off track and leak...

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 6330
Registered: Jun-04
seal it off better to do that with some extra work than break it......and yeah at 36 hz I would have broke my sunroof (it flexed up really bad) on my 95 meonte carlo z34 if I didnt close the stock slider and that was only a single 12 on 1500 watts and stock 105 alt.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 6331
Registered: Jun-04
when I said seal it off I meant create a slider for it

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 310
Registered: Apr-07
I see. I don't know yet, I'll see how it handles it. I'm going to be sound deadening the roof and adding some stuff to it to lessen the flex. I know with the 2 subs in there it moves about an inch, so... I guess we'll see.

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 4120
Registered: Apr-06
so far so good

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 318
Registered: Apr-07
Okay, a bit of port work today. Got the port together. It's raining, so I'll have to wait for more glass, but it's coming close.

Glueing the pieces together before a few finish nails..
3/4 round over bit on the router
Sides of the port assembled
Used a jigsaw to cut out the opening. Unfortunately I was about 1/16th of an inch off from straight in a few places, so I had to trim it up and sand it some. very close to perfect, but not quite. Still good imo.

Putting the face and the port together
Just another angle. Then I routed the edge off again with the 3/4 bit.
Dry fit before putting it in. VERY snug.
Here's how the finished product will look minus the two layers of mdf on top and some bracing.

I don't know how well this pic shows it, but that's completely tight. I have to tap it in. Of course there's going to be a gasket behind there when I finish it up, I'm just debating painting the port or carpeting it to match (painting the inside black no matter what, just the outside.)

Gold Member
Username: Jakeyplaysbass


Post Number: 1962
Registered: Jul-05
carpet the box the same color as your car interior. makes it look so so clean. maybe even toss a little vinyl if your feeling bold.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 319
Registered: Apr-07
No vinyl, carpet maybe.

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 626
Registered: Jan-06
i believe your missing some pics

woofer p0rn please.


Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 321
Registered: Apr-07
Ahh, just got the hoe back a few hours ago. I'll be yanking out the other subs and amps, then getting some pics everything together. ;)

I didn't have time to do the holes and it was too humid for 'glass, but tomarrow I'll finish that. Then carpet.
Sunday a few people are coming over to help get it in- colby, you're more than welcome too.

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 627
Registered: Jan-06
yo dude me and alex would be happy to but kevin has work so were out of a ride over lol

if you finish before we can get over, comming over here is a must lol

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 324
Registered: Apr-07
Testing out that hole thing. It worked pretty good with the new upspiral bit.

I put the bottom layer on, I didn't want to put the top on till I cut the holes and was able to clamp the center tomarrow.

Silver Member
Username: Somedonniedude

Post Number: 149
Registered: May-07
Awsome work so far man!!!

...where did you get that circle cutter or where can i get one like it and how much are they???

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 9737
Registered: Jun-06
How the fack did I miss this thread??????

Dude that is one well thought out project and executed with some mad skills! I'll be sure to keep this thread on my favorites till you finish this baby up.Upload

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 325
Registered: Apr-07
Thanks! Circle thing is with the routers at lowes. ~40-50 bucks.
Paul, thanks.
Got one hole cut. It's 1/16th over 16.75 inches, but that won't matter a bit. I really am enjoying using this thing now. I don't have time to post pics 'cause I'm in a wedding about an hour and 25 minutes from now, I'll just have to finish up tomarrow. :-( Pics tonight though.

Gold Member
Username: Trey4sports

Post Number: 1693
Registered: Sep-06
nice to see troy

your gonna be redicolously loud, i cant begin to fathom...

Gold Member
Username: Basssquared


Post Number: 1250
Registered: Nov-06
dayum Trey im surprised your vocabulary is that extended you should try flabbergasted sometime lol

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 326
Registered: Apr-07
Okay, got in an hour or so this evening after the wedding. Also got the washer and dryer going :-)

Those subs are going to be pretty close.
Marked the holes. Cut one. They're 1/16th of an inch bigger than 16.75, but it's fine.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 327
Registered: Apr-07
OK, got the holes cut.
I had the two layers seperate because it made it better to glue them together and clamp.


Glued, screwed, nailed, and clamped for the night.
I'm putting a layer of glass on the port- I just sat it there for now. Things are REALLY messy >:-(

Oh, and if anyone was paying attention, that's a full sized couch I've got teh box sitting on at the back (see the armrests on the sides?).

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 328
Registered: Apr-07
Thanks trey

Gold Member
Username: Naledge503


Post Number: 1679
Registered: Jun-06
Good stuff man. I know you cant wait to get it finished.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 330
Registered: Apr-07
You know it :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Splfreak

Post Number: 22
Registered: Jul-07
i doubt this wil get loud

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 331
Registered: Apr-07

New member
Username: Alex_smith

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-07

colby mentioned me in a previous post. i was out of town when you met up with him and kevin and i missed your old install. But the progress on this is lookin nice. Cant wait to hear it

Silver Member
Username: M0nkeyman692

Post Number: 312
Registered: Feb-07
good idea on the double layer mdf. nothing worse than a box flexing its self to death. breaking seals makes it a big waste of time

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 332
Registered: Apr-07
I'll be putting a 3rd layer on top as decoration, but it'll also help a bit too.
Alex, I put that same setup in the new vehicle, (VERY temporary), and though it's down about 1db it still sounds about the same. If you guys wanted to meet up some time this week let me know, I hope to have everything finished by the middle of the week.

Gold Member
Username: Naledge503


Post Number: 1680
Registered: Jun-06
^^^waste of time and money

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 633
Registered: Jan-06
doubling up seems almost needed to make this box practical though

New member
Username: Alex_smith

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-07
yeah i figured you would use them for now. id be happy to go there and help you out the only problem like colby said is us getting there. we'll see what kevins work schedule is for this week and unless something comes up we'll come over there with him one day.. but for now keep the pics coming and keep up the good work.

Silver Member
Username: M0nkeyman692

Post Number: 314
Registered: Feb-07
yea definitly. im thinkin about doubling up on my box for a single 18"Q. i know its probably not necessary but it cant hurt

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 334
Registered: Apr-07
whats a waste of time and money naledge?

Yeah, once you cut those holes in there that baffle just loses a lot of rigidity, but that's where the fiberglass and threaded rod will come in.

Silver Member
Username: M0nkeyman692

Post Number: 318
Registered: Feb-07
^^the waste of time and money would be not doubling up your box for support

Gold Member
Username: Naledge503


Post Number: 1681
Registered: Jun-06
^^^lol...I was saying it would be a waste of time and money to not double baffle. You just snuck that post in between.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 337
Registered: Apr-07
sorry, tired and late :-)
Yeah, I'd add more layers if space permited, but it sadly doesn't. the 3rd layer of baffle will be a beveled sheet to finish things off and hold amps-pics to come.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 9743
Registered: Jun-06
Good progress.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 341
Registered: Apr-07
Some light hand sanding to get nice smooth edges, get off the little rough spots the router left (I had to do multiple passes because it's only a 1" bit :-( )

Getting ready for the 1/2" threaded rod. You'll see it sticking out of the top before I put the trim plate on, but then it will be covered.
Painted the port black, getting ready to carpet that this afternoon.

I have to go to a memorial for my wifes grandfather who died 1 year ago today. Then work on some plumbing around the house.
Progress tomarrow if not tonight- I will be finishing the fiberglass so I can have it dry for tomarrow.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti...

Post Number: 1785
Registered: Oct-06
Troy, you are my idol.

Gold Member
Username: B101

Everyone is ... USA

Post Number: 4329
Registered: Sep-05
looking very good... i only wish you could have squeezed a slightly bigger box. anyways, it will be great and sound wonderfully bellow the window line. personally i would have tunned to 33ish. 4 15s in a tahoe is tight, so i know those 18s are extra tightish, 18s just need so much more air to sound correct.

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 634
Registered: Jan-06
well if it doesnt get low enough for him at 36, the interchangable port would make it an easy change to 33 and not much work to build the port.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti...

Post Number: 1788
Registered: Oct-06
If 4 18" BTL's don't get low enough for him at 36hz...!?!!?!?! LOL you guys have worked your standards up to an unbelievably high level. If they don't get low enuff for him...i say get a new fu<kin hobby.

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 635
Registered: Jan-06
Let's say [for some odd reason] it doesn't or barely gets as low as when he had 2 BTL's. He wouldn't be too impressed and want to tune lower...

Gold Member
Username: B101

Everyone is ... USA

Post Number: 4337
Registered: Sep-05
36hz hurts my ears, i can tell a huge difference vs 32hz... i have messed with alot of boxes... I like it loww loww, in my throat, travelling far way further loww, not as loud on the mic & my ears type of loud...

he can have 6 18s, tuned to 40hz, that isnt going to be low enuff! not just cause its a 18 its loww Pit Bull

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti...

Post Number: 1790
Registered: Oct-06
i think you guys misunderstood my post. it's just funny to me because that is such a ridiculous setup but you guys still nitpick about the finer details. i'm not hatin, it's cool that you guys are so experienced and knowledgable that you look at it like that.

I just know that if i sat in a car with that setup and listened to it, i'd never step out thinking "this is what could be improved..." cause i'd just be so blown away :-)

Gold Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 1612
Registered: Dec-06
how do you do the cuts on the table saw that are more then like 20" or whatever the fence is limited too? When ever i build a box i end up putting a straight edge on and using a skill saw and its a b!tch.

Silver Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Post Number: 551
Registered: Mar-07
when its longer than the fence i just take it off and do it by eye. where u been snarl?

Gold Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 1613
Registered: Dec-06
ive been camping in maine. its kinda in the middle of no where but i brouhgt my computer and i no the ppl here so i asked if i could use there internet for a wile and they said sure. i leave and go home tomarrow though.

if you do it by eye isnt there like a big chance it will end up like cruckid or something?

Silver Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Post Number: 552
Registered: Mar-07
well if u draw a line where u wanna cut. its not too hard then. u just have to go slow

Gold Member
Username: Snarl2004

Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P...

Post Number: 1614
Registered: Dec-06
i c

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 342
Registered: Apr-07
It's really easy. My table saw lets me cut around 25+ inches (half a sheet of mdf), but all you have to do is flip the board around and cut off the smaller section ;)
Yes, I love looooowwww freq. bass

"Let's say [for some odd reason] it doesn't or barely gets as low as when he had 2 BTL's. He wouldn't be too impressed and want to tune lower..."
Took the words from my mouth. It should get the lows like I want, but if not I already have extra baffles made for new ports- I'm only an hours work from another frequency ;)

Ehh it's a bit above the window line, and the amps will def. pass it.}

Oh, and I just got back from the family thing, still working on plumbing- I'll be fiberglassing tomarrow evening instead of tonight.

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 343
Registered: Apr-07
Hopefully there's enough space, but with the power they'll be getting I think it'll make up for it in the end- only time will tell.

Silver Member
Username: Yukhui

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA

Post Number: 636
Registered: Jan-06
post 100!
keep up the good work man
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