Well the good news is, turns out there is absolutely nothing wrong with my memphis mcd1000. The bad news are, either my battery or alt have crapped out i didn't check the voltage yet ,but i know that it was going into protect because the voltage was too low. I had my friend bring his suv over and i hooked up the amp in his truck and it played like a champ. Then I borrowed my friends 200 watt Rockford amps and hooked it up to one of my Eclipse subs and it did the same thing. So im sure its my battery or alt well atleast im happy that i dont need to buy another amp.
If you have a DMM, you can find out if its the alt or the batt. Test the batt first with the car off. Then test it with it on. If the voltage at the batt drops with the car on then yeah its your alt. You can also test it right at the alt with the car on, Put the positive from the DMM on the alt positive and find a good ground to put the negative from the dmm on. The voltage should be in the 13.5v-14.4v range.
When my alt crapped out my battery was at 12.9v with car off and with it on it was at 12.3v. I checked the alt and it too was at 12.3v