I have a Chevy Silvarado Pick-up, right now I have MB Quarts components in the front (old ones 2216 cx's) they have been great speakers but they are getting old and I have started to notice some problems there. Anyhow looking at the Focal line and the newer MB's. looking at midrange due to prices like the MB Q PCE216's or the Focal 165v2's. I have a Pioneer DEH650 head unit and an MTX 342 amp. The Focal's seem to have a bit better range and a little more punch on the low end. Anyone with experience with these speaker lines? I know the MB line pretty well but the Focal brand I did not know as well till I started shopping.
Focals are good on the higher end stuff. The polyglass isn't quite as good. Utopias are awesome, actually they're in 25% of all IASCA winning vehicles. MB Quarts are nice too, Q series are very nice.
I like them a lot better. There's a difference when you're in a sound room as opposed to a car. No, I don't think they're 1000+ worth of good. The best component systems (someone forgive me if I left any out) Infinity Kappa Perfect 6.1 Focal Utopia CDT classic DynAudio system 220 Mark IV and system 360 Rainbow MB Quart Q series JL Audio XR series Diamond Audio Hex S600
My favorites are Dynaudio 360, Utopias, and Rainbow. The Diamond Audio Hex series is also very nice and very well priced for what you get. You can find them around 400. (some 300-350 I think) depends on where you buy them.
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I am again going to have to point out the Boston Pro 6.5s. I had them in a 99 S10 and I loved them. Not to mention you can find them for around 300 to 350. If you really want to spend the money I am putting the focal utopia's in my next car. So I can highly recomend them also. It does depend in what you want. If you are looking for something that reproduces the music with as little coloration as possiable, the focal utopia, or boston Z6 are amazing. I do sugest, no matter what set you bye, play with the tweeter placement for a few weeks if not a month. In my S10 I had them about 5 inches foward of the mid in the kick panel. It took me a month to get the imaging right, but it was well worth the wait.