I have an audiobahn ALUM15Q 15 1100 watt rms. The specs say it has a dual 6 ohm voice coil that operates on 3 or 12 ohms. Now from what I have read on amps the lower the ohms the higher the watts. So my speaker wont operate on an amp set to 2 ohms? or 1 ohm? Would I have to run my amp on 3 ohms to get the speaker to work? and how do the dual vioce coils work? Im kinda new to all this and I havnt bought an amp yet because I wanna get the right one. Any help would be appreciated.
the lowest load you can get that sub to ryan is 3ohms and you would need to wire the voice coils in parallel to do that, you will need an amp that will put out 1100w at 3ohms, most amps i know of are stable at 1, 2 or 4 ohms and if you half the ohms you get roughly twice the wattage, a 4 ohm amp will be no good for you but if you got an amp of around 1500w RMS at 2ohms it would put out about 1000w RMS at 3ohms, i hope this has been of some help