Thanks for the help + old system


Silver Member
Username: Matt_stu

Post Number: 155
Registered: Jun-06
alright i posted on here a few weeks back that i was selling my old system my last price was high basically because i didnt know how much i should put them on for and how much i should sell them. anyways there on ebay now so if you feel like taking a look at them go ahead just search Ascendant Audio Arsenal or 15 inch subwoofer i would post the link but i didnt know if it would get taken down on here if someone lets me know the rules i will post it later today

also i wanted to say thanks for all the help on my new system i didnt post a lot but did look at a lot of posts and searches on here and found what i need + i beleive chad lee and a couple others helped me out thanks its a big help when you try to design a system by yourself

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4460
Registered: Jul-06
I'm not sure if I helped you or not but you're welcome anyways :-)

Gold Member
Username: Adam_s

Post Number: 1893
Registered: Aug-04
You can post a link to the ebay thread if you want. Admin doesnt do anything around here for one and I dont think there is any rule against it.

Silver Member
Username: Matt_stu

Post Number: 156
Registered: Jun-06
well in that case here they are i need to get my digital camera back to get some pics of the W7 up here soon im quite proud of building my own box dosnt look as nice as i would like it to but its built sturdy and no leaks item%3D320152961125&lk=URL item%3D320152960999&lk=URL

Silver Member
Username: Matt_stu

Post Number: 157
Registered: Jun-06
hmmm those arent right try these

Silver Member
Username: Pbplayer05

Carroll, Iowa

Post Number: 104
Registered: May-07
how much you willing to sell them for

Silver Member
Username: Matt_stu

Post Number: 158
Registered: Jun-06
ah anything man i got them on ebay with a pretty low reserve i set it for 200 but if it gets over 150 id sell them. I would just make ya an offer but i wasted money on ebay putting them up twice but make an offer on it and im sure ull get them

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4490
Registered: Jul-06
That's why I hate posting on have to pay to list and then you eat paypal fees.This is why I love selling through forums,only have to pay paypal that way.

Silver Member
Username: Pbplayer05

Carroll, Iowa

Post Number: 105
Registered: May-07
that much for just one or what about both

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4554
Registered: Jul-06 is kind of a bit confusing.Is it for one or is it for both?

Silver Member
Username: Matt_stu

Post Number: 159
Registered: Jun-06
thats just for one in the box wired at 4 ohms. its two seperate auctions because i tried just one auction selling them both and very few people bidded on it because not many people have space in a car for the boxes. so i figured if i can sell each in seperate auction more people would be interested.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 4560
Registered: Jul-06
That makes lots of sense Matt but it's just that your descriptions were throwing me off.

Silver Member
Username: Matt_stu

Post Number: 160
Registered: Jun-06
ahh i used the same one from when i sold both because i didnt want to write another one but i changed the words to make sure it was just one i dont want to give a false advertisement though i hate sketchy descriptions what in there threw ya off so i can change it
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