Rob......the pwner


Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14842
Registered: Oct-05
hey man my dota is just pissing me off. it won't work now period. i tried installing it with a usb cd rom and samething. i reinstalled the game and when i go to run it, it says put the cd in the drive. i think i need to reinstall windows.

Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14847
Registered: Oct-05
fine. just ignore me won't you :-(

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 297
Registered: Sep-06

What are ya tryin to do,Install hardware/software?

Gold Member
Username: Basssquared


Post Number: 1216
Registered: Nov-06
YO MR. STEAK whats good son

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14848
Registered: Oct-05
its a software phil. its a game.

when i first got the game, i installed it and it was fine for a couple of days. then all of a sudden it was asking for the cd even though the cd was in the drive. so i uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. it worked fine like that. then one day it asked for the cd again so i reinstalled the game and it worked.

now after i reinstall the game, it asks for the cd from the beginning. i can't play it. damn.

so i was wondering if i reinstalled my windows xp, it would fix that.

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 298
Registered: Sep-06

Don't reinstall XP if ya don't have to otherwise you'll be re-installing your whole d@mn system ( Programs/Software ).

What you can do rather than re-installing xp is use ther XP OS disk to REPAIR XP. So, when you put the disk in the drive and boot up, it will ask if you want to:

Reformat/Install XP or Repair XP

If you reformat and install everything on your HD gets wiped and you loss all your programs, software and any sh!t you downloaded and saved.

Option 2 - Windows Restore

OPen this program from the programs/ accessories /system tools / system restore.

What this will do is restore you system back to the point where sh!t didn't get fucked up, try this first to see if that fixes your problem.

As for the game, some games do and don't require the CD to play, unless, you updated the game afterwards with an update and that update version may or may not require for the CD to be in the drive to play it.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14850
Registered: Oct-05
phil, this games does require a cd.

ima try windows restore first and see if it works. i'll go back about 2 weeks.

if not then i'll try the other stuff you are talking about.


Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 4039
Registered: Apr-06
i would just reformat your harddrive chad...
it erases everything but ohwellz itll run like new

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 300
Registered: Sep-06
Well, to be honest, it doesn't hurt to reformat and install only because doing so wipes out all the crap files that on the HD that the programs uninstaller did remove or Add/Remove Programs didn't remove all the install files of that program.

The smart money is ( and this only applies if you have more than one HD ) partition that second HD and just have a second copy of the OS on it and back it up to the Primary Boot HD and re-install all the software.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4373
Registered: Jul-06
Hey Chad,long time no talk :-) I've been out way too much lately and my internet has been down for 4 days(I'm at my cousin's house) but it's best for you to completely wipe your whole PC and start fresh and that thing will run like a champ and if you still have the same problems I'll get you a NO CD Loader and that might solve the problem you're having but I hope my internet is fixed...Comcast is terrible but I have no other ISP in my area and it sucks.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14868
Registered: Oct-05
at last. the man of the hour is here. yeah ima try that.

phil should i reformat the hard drive first with a program called wipe drive?

Gold Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 1160
Registered: Oct-05
chad man u never got back to me with those fuses and terminals.... :/

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 304
Registered: Sep-06

I wouldn't use any programs to wipe the drive... period.

Just put the XP OS disk in the drive and select the reformat/install option.

A reformat of the HD will wipe out any and all files allowing for a clean re-install of the OS.

After you do that, next thing you want to do is get your internet connection re-established and update XP thru MS update site.

Next, Install a firewall then Anti-virus.

Update any and all drivers your system hardware requires.

Then, degrag the HD and then proceed to install your software and update those programs as well as required or you deem fit to do so.

From start to finish depending on what you have to re-install and update, your looking at 4 - 5 hours tops.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14871
Registered: Oct-05
alright phil ima do that tomorow after i install my amps. or during.

i'll follow your directions. hope it works.

andrizzle sorry man. i've been so busy lately. let me see how much they are on monday or tuesday.

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 305
Registered: Sep-06

First off, back-up anything you want to save before ya start.

Your basically starting with a fresh system, once ya get the XP OS on the HD, now ya can load only what ya need software wise and not all the crap came loaded on the HD when ya bought it.

Get your internet up and running, if ya use a firewall program, get that up and running, next, load whatever anti-virus you use.

Updates: Any updates/programs ya have to download and install, create a folder on the desktop and sub folders for the Program/ Hardware and DL updates/files to these folders.

1st - get all the updates for the anti-virus.

2nd - get all the updates for XP
Get Service packs updates 1st and install these, then get all relevant XP Security updates next and then get any/all other updates for XP.

3rd - get driver updates for your hardware

4th - install any hardware programs and test those.

Once ya got all you sh!t squared away, go ahead and install the rest of your programs.

After ya do all this, defrag the HD and then install any games and go from there.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14883
Registered: Oct-05
thanks for the step by step phil. i backed up all my music, pics, etc.... to my usb hard drive. now its okay to erase it all.

i guess first thing tomorow morning ima start.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4500
Registered: Jul-06
Did you finally fix your problem Chad?Did you get everything up and running properly?

Silver Member
Username: Moey_g


Post Number: 133
Registered: Oct-06
Formatting is a good idea, but if your system is stable and you only want to format because the game is not working, try getting a no cd patch. Its not illegal or anything since you have the original cd.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4508
Registered: Jul-06
"Formatting is a good idea, but if your system is stable and you only want to format because the game is not working, try getting a no cd patch. Its not illegal or anything since you have the original cd."

You should have read the entire thread lol,I already told Chad to do that.Chad needs a desktop PC though...

Silver Member
Username: Moey_g


Post Number: 135
Registered: Oct-06
lol the thread was too long to go through the whole thing. I scanned through it and didnt see your post...

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4514
Registered: Jul-06
Yea Moey lol.Chad,if you need a no CD loader hit me up on AIM later today,I might be home and I'll get you one that works with Bnet's latest patch.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti...

Post Number: 1774
Registered: Oct-06
you guys are nerds....(as i put on my legend of zelda t-shirt).

Silver Member
Username: Moey_g


Post Number: 139
Registered: Oct-06
Well im not doing Information Technology at uni for nothing

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4524
Registered: Jul-06
"you guys are nerds....(as i put on my legend of zelda t-shirt)."

Hmm...I guess you can say I'm a nerd but I'm no loser :-)

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14951
Registered: Oct-05
what are you talking about pitbull. ever since i started playing dota, i've been getting more girl's azz than a toilet seat.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4535
Registered: Jul-06
"what are you talking about pitbull. ever since i started playing dota, i've been getting more girl's azz than a toilet seat."

Lol!I guess I should start playing Dota again :-)Lolz...actually I played the other day while some girl was sitting on my lap and whooped my friend's a ss.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14966
Registered: Oct-05
btw on the title it says "Rob.....the pwner". well thepwner is his user name so i had to put that incase other rob's come to this threa. the pwner is not describing what rob is cause no chance in hell he is the pwner. lol

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 4107
Registered: Apr-06
"the pwner"

doesnt fit someone who doesnt pwn so why call him the pwner???

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 4579
Registered: Jul-06
Actually in both CSS and Dota I pwn.I pwn you just about every day of your life David.Remember when I taught your noob a ss how to set a gain?I do.PWNED AGAIN NOOB.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 14988
Registered: Oct-05
^^^^thats my boi. but so is driving. lol.
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