will getting a optima yellow top and a kinetik hc800 in the back help out my 70 amp alt at all? from stock setup with a over 1k watt system im planning to get? or do i need a h.o alt? but main questions the first, will it help?
If u only have a little over 1k watts then those batts should do fine...but if u plan to get bigger amps and go over 1500 watts then u might wanna get a h/o alt.
Go to bcae1.com and read. It'll tell you in detail how batteries will function. Throwing in extra batteries is like the poor mechanic's solution to every electrical problem. If you've ever taken basic electronics, then you'd know that unless something "produces" energy, sooner or later it'll get drained. Batteries do NOT produce, but release via chemical reaction. Therefore, if your alternator didn't produce enough in the first place with 1 battery, now it has to work overtime to charge 2 batteries. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what'll happen next.