New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | I have 2 12' alpine R subs. the guy at audio express said i needed 1000 RMS to fully optimize their potential. any suggestions on brand/size/cost? |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4979 Registered: Feb-06 | yeah, you can buy my sundown sae1000d that's brand new for $280 shipped. 1000wrms @ 1ohm, slightly underrated so about 1100w is typical. that's is if they are dual 4ohm vc subs. but post the vc's and budget, you'll get some help. |
New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-07 | sorry but i dont know what you mean by "dual 4ohm vc" budget would LIKE to be under 200, but i nkow thats not always possible |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4980 Registered: Feb-06 | are they dual 4ohm vc (voice coil) or dual 2ohm vc subs? take a look at the subs or the boxes for them, should see it. |
New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 6 Registered: Aug-07 | oh yes i now know what you mean, yes they are 4-ohm |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4981 Registered: Feb-06 | you could pick up my amp then, would work prefectly with them. brand new in box and still under warranty![]() |
New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 7 Registered: Aug-07 | will this amp have enough power, incase i want to upgrade subs later? im a noob in this department, but this sounds very likely |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4982 Registered: Feb-06 | depending on the subs later on it's possbible. from what jacob (owner of sundown) says the amp will do around 1100wrms @ 1ohm. but if going with subs that require more power than no. i've never used/benched it so not sure, bought a pair and they sat in original boxes in my closet. sold one already. r's can take more power, but you'll want to up your budget some more for that, but 1100wrms should do a pair nicely. |
New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 8 Registered: Aug-07 | is 280$ negotiable? and how long could you possibly wait |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4983 Registered: Feb-06 | could do $270, but that's about it since shipping is about $20, and i have to buy a box to ship it in so around another $3-5 for that. i can wait a bit, but let me know. |
New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-07 | i will be getting my paycheck friday so i'll wait to see how that turns out. 1 more question, what other amps are comparable to this? in other words, why should i spend 270$ on this, instead of spending less, or buying a different brand. |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4984 Registered: Feb-06 | well a watt is a watt, so it comes down to build quality imo, and other little things. lets compare these 2 amps: -my amp-$270 shipped -hifonics 1206d-$240 shipped from -sundown will do rated power and a little more. -hifonics will do a little less than rated power so in all actuality you'll get the same, maybe a bit less, power than the sundown. -my amp has a transferrable warranty for 2 years. so if you get it you'll have about 19 months left. say you sell it, the new buyer gets the remainder of the warranty. -that hifonics has a 1 year warranty from the online store. you have a problem with a sundown you can always call and talk to the owner, or email him, or talk on the forums with him also. very nice person and quick to respond and help. and yes there are other comparable amps out there. sundown isn't top of the line, but are very nice amps and are up there with the top of the line "affordable" brands imo. also, check around threads in amp sections here and other forums, see how many threads there are about sundown amps messing (i can't recall any) up compared to how many you'll find about hifonics messing up. - |
New member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 10 Registered: Aug-07 | i just went up to audio express and talked to them. they had never heard of a sundown, and i couldnt find any website for them either (if you have it plz link). they suggested a rockford, at upwards of 700$, but said that if i UNDERpower my R's they will break in a hurry. so you said this amp will fully power my subs correct? also i would need a wiring kit, so would you happen to have one of those? or wehre i could find one at an affordable price? |
Bronze Member Username: Pbplayer05Carroll, Iowa Post Number: 99 Registered: May-07 | i would agree they are a very good company and all i have heard are good things about there product i just bought a sundown sae 1000 for 300 so your getting a good deal and also in my opinion rockford amps such unless you get a power one my friend had one |
Bronze Member Username: Mark872Post Number: 29 Registered: Jul-07 | Sundown is a very good product Danny. Go back up to that audio express store and ask him if hes head of Fi carauido, RE audio, Digital Designs, TC sounds, ect.. and im sure he'll tell u know and that you should get some Rockford P3's or somthin..but all of those i just said will blow anything he has in that store away |
Bronze Member Username: Mark872Post Number: 30 Registered: Jul-07 | ^^^Meant "no", not "know" |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 5866 Registered: Jul-06 | ^^ ctmikes sundown....solid amp |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10355 Registered: Dec-04 | sundown is a great product, and another thing you can't hurt your subs by under powering them EVER! As far as a cheap amp kit paul on here has 2 guage kits for $50 that is a great deal. Mike how much for your Sundown I might be interested ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 15 Registered: Aug-07 | back of james i god dibs ;) i really appreciate the help |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 543 Registered: May-07 | i got one type - r on 1100 rms and it still wants more. my amps the 1206 d hifonics brutus from online carstereo like was said. i say deff take ct mikes offer thats a great deal and i wish i could of got a deal like tht. |
Gold Member Username: 420alldaylongPost Number: 2511 Registered: Sep-06 | Sundown amps are kickazz as many people stated above. Like James Longo said you can under power subs all day long if the gain is set right. That amp and two 12" type R's will sound good the subs are 500RMS each so that matches up perfect. He there website look for the SAE-1000D. Go back to audio express and ask about. Revolution Design AudioQue Ascendant Audio Treo Engineering and the ones mark allen coe mentioned above and see what they say. All these listed are very good. I am sure the store you went to know the mainstream there is alot of nonmainstream companys that are rock solid with great prices. |
Silver Member Username: Theweasel2 12 FI SSD, Colorado U.S. of A Post Number: 989 Registered: Mar-06 | "and another thing you can't hurt your subs by under powering them EVER" what if you have the gains set horribly and the bass boost all the way up and your eq set bass heavy and your sub and bass controls all the way up. i'm preety sure that would cause some damage, lol. |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4998 Registered: Feb-06 | "what if you have the gains set horribly and the bass boost all the way up and your eq set bass heavy and your sub and bass controls all the way up. i'm preety sure that would cause some damage, lol." setting the gains, etc. like that surely would cause damage but that would be damage caused by stupidity, not from underpowering. |
Bronze Member Username: Dgh2199Post Number: 17 Registered: Aug-07 | whats your contact information ctmike? |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 4999 Registered: Feb-06 | click my name and at the bottom it'll say send a private message to me. |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 4864 Registered: Dec-05 | Sundown is not famous like rockford, kicker and those advertised brands, but they kick a55 |
Silver Member Username: SomedonniedudePost Number: 129 Registered: May-07 | Whats the most power you can give a type r daily without hurting it? |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 547 Registered: May-07 | i got 1200 to my one and it's daily i'd say roughly 1000 not much more. but i also run normal music not all bass cds, so my woofer isn't in a marathon of killer work ur azz off pain. if you will run the crap out of it, i'd say 800 rms thts it. |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 548 Registered: May-07 | sorry meant 1100 rms at 2 ohm. |
Bronze Member Username: CamerontPost Number: 12 Registered: Jul-07 | so if i have 1 mrd605 (600rms at 2 ohms)would it damage 1 type-r (500rms) sub at all if i had the gain maxed out? |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 5024 Registered: Feb-06 | yes, maxing out the gain would hurt any sub. set the gains correctly. |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 555 Registered: May-07 | cameron even on my infinity amp at 600 rms it did not hurt it. the only reason a gain goes so high is because at diff ohm loads you require diff power, it's not a volume knob. use a multi meter on ac voltage and hook it to the amps speaker terminals. btw 600 rms to each sub on a daily will be way more then enough to satisfy you. if it isn't adjust the low pass make sure your on 80 hz. btw a note on the type - r that i noticed as long as you don't exceed 1000 watts rms to the woofer each. on a daily setup 800 or so and down i say no problem what so ever. my amp says 1100 but by the sound i bet is only around 1000 - 900. |