Silver Member Username: JemoneStone Mountain, Georgia United States Post Number: 209 Registered: Jan-06 | Hey Mike Vick had to plead guilty because his boys rolled over on him. Guess u should watch who ur friends r. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1728 Registered: Oct-06 | or maybe u should not torture and kill dogs. vick is a sick fu<k who hanged and drowned dogs with his own hands. he's a murderer and he's getting away with a slap on the wrist. |
Silver Member Username: Chuck78Post Number: 126 Registered: Mar-07 | ^^^totally agreed He needs to spend more time in jail then 18-36 months... |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov... Post Number: 3983 Registered: Apr-06 | good azz lawyers!!! |
Silver Member Username: Volfenhagking1600SSD Wangin, Shawano, Wis... USA Post Number: 899 Registered: Oct-06 | you think hes ever gonna get to play in the NFL again?? |
Silver Member Username: JtownPost Number: 238 Registered: Mar-07 | ^^^hopefully not. |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov... Post Number: 3985 Registered: Apr-06 | yall gotta realize where micheal vick grew up man... hes from the hood so you might be able to take the man out the hood but not the hood out the man....Hes just an idiot b/c he got caught.. |
Silver Member Username: FearthisskyyDallas, Texas United states Post Number: 427 Registered: Apr-07 | I didn't know he hung and drowned them, I just thought he got dogs together and watched them fight... that is pretty sick to hang a dog. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1676 Registered: Nov-05 | where di u hear he hung and drowned the dogs? and was that just after they fought and were too wounded to live further? cuz theres thousands of ppl that take their dogs and cats out back and shoot them then bury them. the way you go about murdering your animals should not have any reflection on jailtime. so all these ppl (including me, my neighbor, my father, and several others i know) should all be in prison. now if he did it for pleasure it's a different story but thousands of ppl put their own animals down. plus i've been to a dog fight in the hood. they dont just throw them in a ring and fight to the death. those ppl have cared and nurtured their pits since they were born so it's so emotional when one is killed or fatally wounded. no1 knows the whole scenario. so unless he did it for fun and was laughing while holding a dog upside down in his swimming ppool i dont agree with the charges. with that said, i';m buying my pit soon |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov... Post Number: 3995 Registered: Apr-06 | ^^ well put |
Silver Member Username: Riebread77Post Number: 730 Registered: Jun-05 | their were 50 something dogs buried in his backyard...I highly doubt he was emotionally attached to add to the list of drowning and hanging, he electrocuted them...honestly JK, I don't know you...but I'm glad that I don't if your trying to justify that what Mike Vick did was not bad. |
Silver Member Username: Riebread77Post Number: 731 Registered: Jun-05 | he should get 18-36 months, not 12-18...and be expelled from the NFL. He's cocky mother F'er that needs to be put in his place. I hope the judge gives him the max because he took advantage of the money he priveledged with and used it for the wrong reasons. JK, also, its not about whether he enjoyed killing pits or not. It's about the fact that he did. When they were too wounded to fight anymore, he disposed of them. That's sick. If this were about humans, he'd get life in prison. I glad he lost his endorsement deals at least. |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10307 Registered: Dec-04 | dave your a moron Vick is a bigger moron if thats possible |
Gold Member Username: Trey4sportsPost Number: 1654 Registered: Sep-06 | weve had pit bulls in my family for the last 30 years. we raise them as house dogs and i would trade my mothers Mikki ( very rare dog breed, google em) for a pit anyday. With that said, its a dog for christ sake, there not people. vick should get a year merely for the quanity of deaths. if it were 4 or 5 maybe probation |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov... Post Number: 4000 Registered: Apr-06 | "dave your a moron Vick is a bigger moron if thats possible" ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CenusHicksville, Ohio Post Number: 3424 Registered: Jan-05 | every1 has their own opinion, but im gonna have to agree with ryan on this one, but im pretty sure vick will just get a slap on the wrist at most he'll probally get probation cause he's a celeb and the law doesn't apply to them. |
Silver Member Username: JemoneStone Mountain, Georgia United States Post Number: 211 Registered: Jan-06 | Hey most of the people that are condemning Vick for his actions are the same people who cant stand pitbulls in the first place. That is so ironic. Hey i guess that makes them better than Mike Vick because those people would never fight pitbulls, they would only have their kind blinked from existence. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1681 Registered: Nov-05 | wheres proof that he had 50 pit bulls buried in his backyard? |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1682 Registered: Nov-05 | theres 11 animals in my yard. throw me in jail. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 4355 Registered: Jul-06 | "wheres proof that he had 50 pit bulls buried in his backyard?" All the bones in an evidence locker somewhere. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1598 Registered: Jun-06 | JK, the reason he killed the animals is because the dogs are raised to be fighters not pets. If they dont die when fighting and are too wounded to fight again, then what good are they to the owner? They cant adopt them out or make money off of them so they kill them... |
Silver Member Username: Theweasel2 12 FI SSD, Colorado U.S. of A Post Number: 987 Registered: Mar-06 | what a f^%&$#ing idiot. he's got all the money in the world, he's idolized my everyone in ATL, he is the most athletic QB to ever play the game, but i guess that isn't enough. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1599 Registered: Jun-06 | "theres 11 animals in my yard. throw me in jail." Were they family pets who got old and couldnt fend for themselves so you put them down? Thats a way different... |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1683 Registered: Nov-05 | one ate thru our wall, another tried biting a neighbor. 3 had diseases, and ohter 6 were just old |
Gold Member Username: 420alldaylongPost Number: 2501 Registered: Sep-06 | Well it looks like Mike Vicks quick feet can't get him out of this one.HAHA |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1730 Registered: Oct-06 | ["yall gotta realize where micheal vick grew up man"] sure that may explain it, but doesn't excuse it. There are places in this world where it's more common to beat your wife, or r.ape young girls, doesn't make it any less wrong. ["where did u hear he hung and drowned the dogs?"] It's in the statements made by vick's two buddies for their plea agreement. ["and was that just after they fought and were too wounded to live further?"] It was after they had lost fights, and were therefore not of any value to them anymore, because they have ZERO love/respect/care for their dogs. ["those ppl have cared and nurtured their pits since they were born so it's so emotional when one is killed or fatally wounded."] dude i don't wanna turn this into a hostile argument, but you're EXTREMELY mistaken. People who fight dogs do not "care and nurture" their dogs growing up. They train them and basically brainwash them to be extremely aggressive and think they have to fight for their lives. IT IS NOT NATURAL AND IT IS NOT RIGHT!!! When these sick fu<ks say they love their dogs it's no different than the guy who beats the sh!t out of his wife and claims he loves her. They are fu<king shallow as hell and have no idea wtf love is. ["wheres proof that he had 50 pit bulls buried in his backyard?"] I don't know who said it was 50, and i don't remember what the actual number was. But yes it is a fact that when his house was raided they found dozens upon dozens of dead dogs/corpses as well as dogs still living that were severely malnurished and injured. {"theres 11 animals in my yard. throw me in jail."] What you killed them for the fu<k of it? Or they were old and you put them out of their misery, either way i dont agree with what you did. But their is a huge difference between putting down an old animal who is in his last days anyway experiencing pain, and killing a dog because it's injured, after you forced it to fight in the first place. There is also more humane ways to do it. Have the dog humanely euthanized, you can say goodbye for the last time as the dog is put to sleep painlessly. Hanging and drowning are brutal, painful, horrific ways of killing a living creature. For every pit bull that is in the ring fighting there are hundreds around the country that were raised with love and care just like other breeds, had normal social experiences with dogs and people growing up and they are loving and friendly. JK you killed your dog cause it ate through your wall? Are you fu<king kidding me? you should not have any pets ever, or children for that matter. Just like the people who fight dogs you have a fu<ked up concept of what love is. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1731 Registered: Oct-06 | To anyone who is interested in learning more about pit bulls PLEASE visit these websites. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1685 Registered: Nov-05 | It was after they had lost fights, and were therefore not of any value to them anymore, because they have ZERO love/respect/care for their dogs. u dont kno that cuz u werent there. "you should not have any pets ever, or children for that matter." how old r u? u dont know me man. dont ever doubt my ability to love. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1601 Registered: Jun-06 |
Why would you fight your dog to death or mutilation for fun, sport, and money if you loved/respect/cared about it??? |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1686 Registered: Nov-05 | why would you take your son to boxing class? we differ of opinion. don't actt like u know me |
Gold Member Username: 420alldaylongPost Number: 2503 Registered: Sep-06 | There goes that $100+ million down the sh!ter. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1687 Registered: Nov-05 | and yes i killed my dog with one eye, who doesnt eat and ate through my laundry room wall. yes i took him out back and shot him. he was 11 yrs old. eats through my wall. can hardly see and damages my property. dont act like u fvuckin know me nigga. you don't know sh!t about my scenario or vick's scenario. im not goin into the argument sayin what he did wasnt wrong or right. i'm giving the outside view of the other side no1 will say. ppl constantly jump to bad conclusions. are you black? did u grow up around hood fights? dogfights? or are you white and grow up around golf and 2 story houses? vick's a product of his environment. he's lucky he is athletic but does that mean he can give up his ways of life? pl make huge deals about this happeneing to a black person. i fvucking guarantee there hundreds of rich white bankers who do sh!t like this or just as bad. get off my fvucking c0ck. its my opinion. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1602 Registered: Jun-06 | hahaha....why it gotta be a race thing? Why cant it be a right or wrong thing? I am white, my momma married a black man when I was 3 years old. I grew up in the hood. My brothers are black. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1688 Registered: Nov-05 | im talking to pit bull |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1689 Registered: Nov-05 | the bocxing class thing was to u. that was to pit bull |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1603 Registered: Jun-06 | "why would you take your son to boxing class? we differ of opinion. don't actt like u know me" Say I did have a son....I would raise him to know right from wrong. Boxing can help in disipline, and self defense. I wouldnt be raising him to be a straight killer. Your arguments have no bearing. Educate yourself on the "sport" of dog fighting. They are raised to be straight ruthless, nothing less. |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov... Post Number: 4003 Registered: Apr-06 | yall are a buncha tree huggers |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1732 Registered: Oct-06 | ["are you black? did u grow up around hood fights? dogfights? or are you white and grow up around golf and 2 story houses?"] ![]() People who use the environment they grew up in as an excuse for being a criminal are a DISGRACE to all those who have overcome tragedy and obstacles in situations as bad if not worse. I've never claimed to know anything more about you than your opinions you've stated in this thread. When asked why you killed the animals, you listed the reason for one of them as "ate thru our wall" you didn't say anything about him being old or w/e. if that was the case then that changes things obviously. I apologize for making it personal, that wasn't right. I was under the impression that you killed the dog simply because it had misbehaved. Comparing boxing classes to dog fighting? If i even have to explain why that's ridiculous and makes no sense whatsoever, i'm wasting my time in the first place. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1733 Registered: Oct-06 | JK again it's nothing against you personally man but even if you didn't directly say you thought it was right or wrong to do what he did, you were clearly downplaying the severity of it. And the crimes committed are, to most, undebatably horrible and wrong. All creatures have an equal right to live and love. What vick did to his dogs is not what nature intended. |
Silver Member Username: WojoproSummerville, SC Post Number: 309 Registered: Nov-04 | ^Agreed, As a owner of pit bulls who are part of my family. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1692 Registered: Nov-05 | x2^^^ |
Silver Member Username: RenegadesrunLafayette, IN US Post Number: 932 Registered: Oct-04 | I hope he gets shanked in prison, but not until Billy Ray tears him a new a55, and shared it with the whole tier. After seeing this all over the papers and news i seem to be developing a case of "dont give a sh!ts" so i hope its over soon no matter wtf they decide. |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10330 Registered: Dec-04 | agreed^ |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1693 Registered: Nov-05 | i doubt any1 would fvuck w/ mike vick in an atlanta jail/pen. i'm sure he knows mad pppl in that b1tch |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 5864 Registered: Jul-06 | vicks a b1tch enough said....and if you think that what vick did wasnt wrong then i am amazed.... |
Bronze Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 85 Registered: May-07 | "where di u hear he hung and drowned the dogs? and was that just after they fought and were too wounded to live further? cuz theres thousands of ppl that take their dogs and cats out back and shoot them then bury them. the way you go about murdering your animals should not have any reflection on jailtime. so all these ppl (including me, my neighbor, my father, and several others i know) should all be in prison. now if he did it for pleasure it's a different story but thousands of ppl put their own animals down. plus i've been to a dog fight in the hood. they dont just throw them in a ring and fight to the death. those ppl have cared and nurtured their pits since they were born so it's so emotional when one is killed or fatally wounded. no1 knows the whole scenario. so unless he did it for fun and was laughing while holding a dog upside down in his swimming ppool i dont agree with the charges. with that said, i';m buying my pit soon" Thats some real stupid sh-t to say. Fu-k mike vick and anyone else who fights pit's. I raised pits many years on the south-side of chicago. I think they should take vick and put him in the pit with a few pitbulls that are trained to attack people. People who take advantage of the weak and innocent are cowards. If they put Vick in a real fed joint he will be paying rent and someone will be getting some good money for the next two years. Vick made a deal to lesser his time. The Feds dont give time cuts unless you help them. So i am sure he told on someone big. "are you black? did u grow up around hood fights? dogfights? or are you white and grow up around golf and 2 story houses? vick's a product of his environment." Man, whats wrong with you? I grew up on SPAULDING in CHI TOWN born and raised in the hood!!! I did alot of things in my life, but people who hurt the innocent are punks. I been through it all from being on the block being a fool to anything you can think about and i never sunk to the level of hurting something that knows no better. I told guys dont bring that sh-t around me. I would take your dog, simple as that. If you want to be a hard guy and fight dogs why dont you go put in some real work and be about something? IDK thats just some retarded sh-t to say. That is like me grabbing you and pushing you in a cell and shuting the door behind you.Making you square off with a guy with a shank. Then we can let you lay there until a CO finds you and air lifts you or let you lay there and die. How would like that? I SAY VICK IS A BI_CH!!! I never get into things like this but this got me heated. I have Two pits now. |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 2706 Registered: Dec-06 | I am just sitting here wondering if JK's eyes are brown... |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 2707 Registered: Dec-06 | And @ Steve Miller -- word. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1607 Registered: Jun-06 | "i doubt any1 would fvuck w/ mike vick in an atlanta jail/pen. i'm sure he knows mad pppl in that b1tch" Maybe not in Atlanta, but he is facing federal charges. He's going to the Federal Pen. He will most likely be in cell by himself cause of his status....maybe not. Who knows? But if Mike Tyson got jacked up in prison, I feel pretty confident that Vick will. There will be people in there who hate him just cause he is famous. And other people who want to just be able to say, "I kicked Michael Vicks @ss. |
Silver Member Username: Gh0st_31FL USA Post Number: 599 Registered: May-06 | I was born in the same city as Mike Vick so Ive been a fan for a while but this is like, wow. He has had the whole waterbottle, flicking off the fans, he just not smart. First off... HE HAD A KENNEL, OWNED BY HIM, BY SIGNATURE, AND NEVER SOLD ONE DOG! Come on now. They found carcasses in his yard, the house he bought for his cousin. Its his property, his responsibility. You need to understand how these dogs were killed. Thrown into the pool and then electrocuted. Picked up by the hind legs and smashed into the concrete until it died. Newsed up and hung. It is disgusting, and him and his homies are POS. In jail hes in trouble. If youre in jail and r@pe michael vick, you'll probably be the most badass guy in the tri-county area. Oh and if it was tom brady, it would be exactly the same, probably worse because hes a BETTER player. And if he's so innocent how come he didnt take his high priced lawyers and go to trial? I think Id take that shot if they didn't have anything against me. He going in the slammer for at least a year i'd say 18 months. Add on 1-2 years of NFL suspension, which will not run concordantly, because PETA would go ape sh!t, and the NFL is already leaning toward non concordance. |
Silver Member Username: Gh0st_31FL USA Post Number: 600 Registered: May-06 | Product of environment argument= bull Its just if you have a brain or not. Hope fighting pits was worth 120 MILLION |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 2709 Registered: Dec-06 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Philly306North carolina Post Number: 311 Registered: Apr-07 | to add to that ![]() |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1697 Registered: Nov-05 | "I am just sitting here wondering if JK's eyes are brown..." i dont get it? |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 9451 Registered: Jun-06 | Because of money, justice will never prevail. Celebrities/high profile athletes will always walk in the end. They may do their token time but it's all for nothing. His biggest loss will be the endorsement evac. That equals millions. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Philly306North carolina Post Number: 312 Registered: Apr-07 | "In jail hes in trouble. If youre in jail and r@pe michael vick, you'll probably be the most badass guy in the tri-county area. " lmfao ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1737 Registered: Oct-06 | B-rad where did you find all those pics? are they real t-shirts or just photoshopped? if those are real man i want the one of the dog sh!tting on Vick REALLY BAD!!! |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 2710 Registered: Dec-06 | |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1738 Registered: Oct-06 | ur the man Brad. Cafepress FTW. I have a couple t-shirts from them and have bought lots of gifts for people from them. my dad's birthday is in 2 months and I know he'd think that dog sh!tting on Vick is HILARIOUS!!! |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1740 Registered: Oct-06 | Cafepress has everything!! I even found a t-shirt for Drivingreckless!!! No_55319075/id_12166626/fpt_/opt_/c_666/pg_1 |
Bronze Member Username: Noob101Taylorsville, Utah USA Post Number: 74 Registered: Jul-07 | FYI Falcons GM stated he thinks Vick will return as a Running Back.And expects 15-20 teams to be interested in him. |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1699 Registered: Nov-05 | redskins should take him as QB. they're garbage |
Gold Member Username: BasssquaredKansas Post Number: 1205 Registered: Nov-06 | all this sh!t makes me pretty sad ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JtownPost Number: 241 Registered: Mar-07 | He should definitely be permanently banned from the NFL and hopefully he stays in prison for at least year. I think that the punishment should fit the crime, and I don't remember who said it, but he should be thrown in a ring with some pits and forced to fight for his life. Anyone that can torture an animal in such a way is disgusting. They aren't just dogs. |
Silver Member Username: TatonkaPost Number: 775 Registered: Mar-07 | This crossed my mind after a friend of mine was talking about vick, then decides to throw a coke can out of the window. For the pople that litter, you are just like Vick. You want to complain about him killing dogs? Littering kills just as many animals. Sorry, I had to complain lol. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6438 Registered: Nov-04 | Did you hear what Stephon Marbury said? He fully supports Vick and there was nothing wrong with dog fight/killings. This moron should also lose his endorsements. He probably is an OJ supporter too. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1747 Registered: Oct-06 | my brother got me some stephon marbury shoes for my birthday....haven't worn them yet....wonder if i still have the gift receipt... just goes to show you there are some people out there who really think this kinda thing is okay, or not that big a deal. And Ray Buchannon / Joe Horn need to stfu as well. Talking about "my prayers go out to mike vick and his family during this terrible ordeal"....he is not the victim, the dogs are. If you're his friend and you're gonna support him fine. do it behind closed doors, don't make him out to be the victim, send your prayers out to all the poor dogs he tortured and killed. |
Silver Member Username: TatonkaPost Number: 778 Registered: Mar-07 | OMG, Vick is a member of E? ![]() this is my fav pic to edit ![]() |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1717 Registered: Nov-05 | i dont think dog fighting is wrong. i think dog torturing is wrong tho |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago Ima graffiti... Post Number: 1750 Registered: Oct-06 | jk do us all a favor and stop posting in this thread before some even dumber, more ignorant sh!t comes outta your mouth....if that's even possible. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1631 Registered: Jun-06 | So Vick is expected to plead guilt to the charge of interstate commerce for the purpose of dogfighting. He is NOT pleading guilty to killing the dogs or even gambling on the fights. Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick will not admit to killing dogs or gambling on dog fights, as detailed in his indictment, when he enters a guilty plea in a Richmond, Va., federal court Monday, a source close to the case has told ESPN. Instead, the one count of conspiracy that Vick will plead to will admit guilt to the charge of interstate commerce for the purpose of dogfighting. The source told ESPN that Vick's defense team met with federal attorneys Thursday afternoon to determine the "summary of facts" to which Vick will plead, and his attorneys believe they have a deal. The source says Vick maintains he never killed dogs and never gambled on a dog fight. He will admit he was present when dogs were killed, but that he did not personally kill any of the dogs. The allegations of killing dogs and gambling were part of the picture painted by Vick's three co-defendants, all of whom have pleaded guilty. Vick, 27, is scheduled to enter his plea agreement Monday and could face up to five years in prison. Vick's co-defendants said Vick provided virtually all the gambling and operating funds for the Bad Newz Kennels enterprise. Two of them also said Vick participated in executing at least eight underperforming dogs by various means, including drowning and hanging. A government official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the terms are not final, told The Associated Press Wednesday that prosecutors will recommend a sentence of one year to 18 months. However, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson is not bound by that recommendation or by federal sentencing guidelines that will call for less than the five-year maximum. It's still unclear whether all this will end the career of one of the NFL's most dazzling players. Vick has been barred from training camp by the NFL, and commissioner Roger Goodell has asked the Falcons not to take any action until the league rules. Goodell can suspend Vick under the NFL's personal conduct policy. While the league hasn't said whether a potential suspension would be concurrent with Vick's prison sentence, it probably would take effect once he is released from custody. That means Vick likely would miss both the 2007 and 2008 seasons. The Falcons in 2004 signed Vick to a 10-year, $130 million contract, at the time, one of the largest in NFL history. The bonus and guaranteed money he received in his contract totaled $44 million, and the team might try to reclaim part of that. Vick has also lost lucrative contracts with sponsors. Rawlings, Nike, Reebok and Upper Deck are among the companies that have either ended contracts with him or stopped sales of his merchandise. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. |
Silver Member Username: JtownPost Number: 269 Registered: Mar-07 | He is a f!cking idiot. nuff said |
Gold Member Username: JkidderIA, DP RD Post Number: 1720 Registered: Nov-05 | just my opinion dude... |
Silver Member Username: Thumpinwith8s2 RE8s,PG Xenon 400.1, New Numbers ... Post Number: 764 Registered: Jun-07 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6441 Registered: Nov-04 | If Vick wants to pick and choose on conditions, then they might as well just go after him for everything. After all, his 2 partners will be testifying against him. No criminal should be allowed that kind of freedom. It's either you're guilty of all crimes or not guilty. How many more OJs/Michael Jacksons/Kobe do we need?? I'm just against anyone getting off cause of their money/connections. |