ok pretty soon i am going to have two 12" rockford fosgates (500 RMS each) with a Rockford Fosgate Power 1001bd (1000W RMS at 2 ohms). I got a little 92' Ford Tempo , i dont know how good the alternator but im sure it isnt nothing special. Do you think that is too much watts or should i get a new alternator, or what ?
Do exactly what Glasswolf says, dont over prepare because you could spend more money than you needed to.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
yes, what they said, but if ur headlights start dimming on u when ur bass hits, get a 1-farad capacitor, its should do a nice trick. (get one with a digital voltage readout, very useful) and if ur cap just isnt enough, upgrade ur charging system by gettin a new or respun alternator.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Just upgrade your alt. if you need to. Forget about a farad cap. It doesn't do anything for you. Alt. is the best way to go if needed.