Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4305 Registered: Sep-05 | ![]() seems to be alot of mis-information on this form... ive been gone for a while, to return to alot of stuff being said that is not true at all. so i just searched, and found a few threads while i was not present to respond to them. its seems more guys are feeding rumors on my name, than truths... i have been away from the car audio game for sometime now, my love is still there, but ive been focused on other stuff. important stuff, family stuff, etc.. so whoever has something to say good or bad, just post it here. im all ears. another thing, me and Ronnie Peay, the same person? no way, that was funny right there. i mean how do these rumors get started? anyways i think SPD is the one who started most of the lies... he cant man up, call, and talk... here are some quotes from that thread.. "SPD...just outa curiosity why didnt you post this sh!t a year ago when B wass still around and sh!t instead of waitin till now...???? If it happened to me i woulda been tryin to get to the bottom of it asap....."?????" j noel my point exactly, a year later? and people believe this crap. "im not saying hes a thief but its hard to get in contact wit tha guy.... very hard..... hes sposed to send me back a new TSX in exchange for my old joint cuz the Tinsel leads blew" killerracing Travis, you know the entire situation with TREO, its really not my fault. Treo being out of everything as usual... but im still gonna take care of it for you. I am a very busy person, well lately atleast. so sometimes yea, my voice mail is full... i can say 95% of the people ive dealt with has no complaints about me. as a matter of fact, Killerracing has spoke with both me and Ronnie on 3way, so ask him if im Ronnie.. also me and Ronnie look nothing alike. Yes, the MM amps was through Ronnie, he is a friend of mines. I was just a middle man as to speak... hadnt talked to him in about 1-2months. he is local also. thats just how damn busy ive been... please post what you got to say about me or Ronnie... i would like to hear it all... and im sure he will also, cause Ronnie is a good guy, and has his own biz; he never cheated me. out of all those amps, SPD had a bad 1 that worked when he 1st got it out the box, then stopped miraculously working after he hooked it up, and bumped it for a few... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Mygame5982I Got More Watts Then ..., TEXAS US Post Number: 2251 Registered: Jan-06 | sounds good to me.. u always seemed cool whenever i asked you a question r something |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4308 Registered: Sep-05 | thank you james caroll, I always try my best to help others, especially when im in position to do so. The prices of the group buy was outrageous, literally! dealers could not purchase at their cost, of what i was selling these things for! but again you cant please everyone. just trying to clear my name up, or whats left of it... |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10209 Registered: Dec-04 | I heard some stupid rumors going around but had no idea what they were about. Just the fact that you started this thread to clear your name shows something good. You never screwed me and were good with everyone I knew that dealt with you. your OK in my book if that means anything lol. |
Bronze Member Username: JnoelAIM= j69noel, KY Post Number: 76 Registered: May-07 | well b, ronnie owes me 1000 doallers...and i cant do a paypal chargeback or a bank you know any way me and ronnie can find a way to get my money back...also....if spd send u the amp back to get fixed what ever happened to it...or the money |
Gold Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 1940 Registered: Jul-05 | whatup b. hit me up on AIM sometime. |
Bronze Member Username: JnoelAIM= j69noel, KY Post Number: 77 Registered: May-07 | yeah me to we got alot to talk about j69noel |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4310 Registered: Sep-05 | thanks James, that means alot man.. ![]() J noel, the returned amp from SPD was given back to Ronnie, and shipped to CA for repairs, as Maxxsonics no longer repairs their equipment. (i dont know whats up with these companies nowadays) they have another company repairing their equipment in CA. they are making room for their new lineup, and since then, everything been hay-wire... I am totally unaware of Ronnie owing you 1G dang!! what is it that you purchased? Im going to get to the bottom of it for you, cause like I said I was just a middle man. I know for a fact he doesnt deal with Maxxsonics at all anymore. But I also know he says he can get any equipment i want.. well thats what he told me last time i spoke with him. |
Gold Member Username: J_baby15Justin Noel ... Post Number: 1986 Registered: Feb-06 | B hit me up on AIM - dipsetjls |
Silver Member Username: BumpndatrunkMilwaukee, WI Post Number: 225 Registered: Mar-07 | Yea b is right Maxxsonics told me the same thing about repairs But B how are the autotek 4000s not to bud in but im looking to get one for my brother some say they have heat probs so to get past the he say she say what do you think one of those or two hifonics 2000w |
Bronze Member Username: JnoelAIM= j69noel, KY Post Number: 78 Registered: May-07 | well i ordered two memphis 4kw's and never recieved them...then i had to get myu money back cause it was taking too long....after i mentioned a refund he never spoke of the memphis's that were supposed to already b ordered....he dosnt have my amps or my money any more...and he is like i will hustle u your money bak.....i dotn no what this means i just want either my amps or my's now been since march....still nothing....just keeps tellin me he's working one it...i dotn no bout u but i am a college student with no money and a 1000 doallers is a sh!tload to me....i was buyin the 4kws in order to resell them and pay off a debt and my school i dont have money for either....i cant even go to school this semester...this is fukkked up....i just want my money or something i can sell that is the value of 2 4kw's |
Gold Member Username: JkidderSpring hill, Florida Usa Post Number: 1606 Registered: Nov-05 | damnnnnnnn. you arent going to college because of this? how much money are you short? do you have AIM? hit me up - jk32sho |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1593 Registered: Jun-06 | B, Ronnie has ALOT of peoples money. He knew exactly how many days to keep putting people off before they arent able to file chargebacks with papyal. And now he is using a new business name instead of Deaf Squad. He is now LFG, whatever it stands for, I dont know. Worth taking a look at this though. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 5829 Registered: Jul-06 | LFG Likes to F0ck Guys no im just kidding.....i have nothing against Ronnie. i actually almost bought some stuff from him. i hope all of this gets resolved and everyone gets there stuff or their money back |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 2686 Registered: Dec-06 | LFG = Loud For God. I am pretty sure that whatever God he hangs his hat on is not too happy with him at the moment... |
Silver Member Username: Dakangofkrunk16Post Number: 878 Registered: May-07 | He ows me 480, He seems like a nice cool trust worthy guy, i talk to him via E-mail all the time. He told me if it came to it, he is gonna transfer the money to me. I hope he wasn't scamming, but if he was scamming, he would have changed his number, or email address, or any contact info, and he wouldn't be answering me back, like he does... B hit me up on aim to dakangofkrunk16 |
Silver Member Username: ThemannMt. Holly, NC USA Post Number: 115 Registered: Jan-06 | Ronnie owes me either $400 or my sx1250.1 that I ordered from him. I can't get any money back via paypal and I tried to email him but his email isnt an email anymore. So...I have no idea what's going on. I trusted him and he's drug me threw the mud for the past 3 months. |
Silver Member Username: Scott_debakerPittsburgh, P.A. U.S.A. Post Number: 798 Registered: Feb-06 | B I been talkin to your boy Ronnie an he told me you gave him the amp an it was never fixed an u send no emails back so ya come on dude get me the amp back its been over a year an havnt posted cause i had emails back saying it was gettin fixed an then u stop replying back then i heard it all from ronnie |
Gold Member Username: JkidderSpring hill, Florida Usa Post Number: 1617 Registered: Nov-05 | this guy is rich now. |
Silver Member Username: KillswitchjdPost Number: 650 Registered: Apr-06 | I feel bad for all these peeps. Anyway if I lost a grand and I was even close to ronnies home, I would drive to him and see his ballin *ss crib he got from all ur money..... lol didnt mean to rub it in but what is the total dollar ammount total for everyone that got ripped??? $1880 juat from 3 peeps... |
Bronze Member Username: JnoelAIM= j69noel, KY Post Number: 79 Registered: May-07 | another 200 from my friend......ronnie lives in south carolina and i live in ky |
Gold Member Username: Freezeman_7C.FREE Post Number: 1730 Registered: May-06 | i lost 430, but i called my credit card company, told them i didnt get the product i paid for and they credited my card back. |
Silver Member Username: ThemannMt. Holly, NC USA Post Number: 116 Registered: Jan-06 | So, is there anyway that any of the people that got ripped off will get their money back, b/c my dad's about to beat my head off b/c I wasted his $400 for an amp I never got. Is there anything you can do, B? |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 4317 Registered: Jul-06 | This thread makes me laugh. |
Gold Member Username: Killerzracing71Fredericksburg, Virginia United states Post Number: 1541 Registered: Aug-05 | Yeah ur V mail is always full lol but its okay i wana get that one back... sum1 wants to buy ima give ya a call...... yeah thanks man |
Silver Member Username: Mike11202Sewell, NJ US Post Number: 928 Registered: Nov-06 | NEVER get something thats too good to be true, (this is the perfect situation) ![]() It seemed fishy to me at the start which is why he never got a cent from me. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 4321 Registered: Jul-06 | "NEVER get something thats too good to be true, (this is the perfect situation) It seemed fishy to me at the start which is why he never got a cent from me." Ya think?Oh and look who was right by Ronnie's side trying to help Ronnie sell.Look who played middle man...since when do you play middle man if you're not making something off of it?That's like being a car salesman and not getting any commission.Along with all the other things I've heard about B...he's a sack of sh1t.It's funny how he just dissapeared when all the sh1t hit the fan with Ronnie and his awesome deals.It's great how the crew can abandon ship but the captain goes down with it. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6418 Registered: Nov-04 | Who's the caption of the ship? Always check people's eBay feedback before sending any money. Mine's been 100% from the start. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1596 Registered: Jun-06 | B...Where are you? Got any insider info about Ronnie? |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4313 Registered: Sep-05 | sorry, just got back to checking this website. (told yall i be busy) but yeah, let me start... Anyone can call up to Maxxsonics their selves and ask to get 1 of their amps fixed, espcially the MM lines, and see what they tell you. This is not a scam people, or im unaware of it. Anyone who is man enuff to pick up the phone, you can speak with Ronnie, tell him all this for themselves. Like said above by a poster, he is going to answer the phone and speak with you! so speak with him please... Jnoel I feel your pain, I would be ill... Last time I seen him it was at a car audio shop and i talked with him for 5mins, cut it quick, but he had 2 memphis 2.5ks in the back of his trucks new. not 4ks, but he flips those things like nothing, so you dont know.. "B I been talkin to your boy Ronnie an he told me you gave him the amp an it was never fixed an u send no emails back so ya come on dude get me the amp back its been over a year an havnt posted cause i had emails back saying it was getting fixed an then u stop replying back then i heard it all from Ronnie" SPD well again, i dont deal with Ronnie, car audio that much lately, since about a year. He calls me periodically to see whats up, if i still got the love for the sport. I surely still do, but my interest has been elsewhere. more important things, more money, ill play loud later on in life again... ![]() about the email, i hadnt checked that in awhile either. too much spam for some odd reasons. but you have Ronnie number, i can email it to you again. "Yeah ur V mail is always full lol but its okay i wana get that one back... sum1 wants to buy ima give ya a call...... yeah thanks man" Killerracing yea, man you know im either in a meeting or running around with some women. Or tweaking on my 383.. ![]() "NEVER get something thats too good to be true, (this is the perfect situation) It seemed fishy to me at the start which is why he never got a cent from me." Mike So true, you have to go with your gutt feeling first. From what he is tell people, he wants them to wait, but pay 1st... that their seems fishy like catfish. then you get the products some weeks, months, or whatever here... "Ya think?Oh and look who was right by Ronnie's side trying to help Ronnie sell.Look who played middle man...since when do you play middle man if you're not making something off of it?That's like being a car salesman and not getting any commission.Along with all the other things I've heard about B...he's a sack of sh1t.It's funny how he just dissapeared when all the sh1t hit the fan with Ronnie and his awesome deals.It's great how the crew can abandon ship but the captain goes down with it." Robert yea, dickhead, i can be equal in words. just call me up, i dont take any crap. 1st im not by anyones side, thats that girl sh!t. im my own man. Ronnie and me meet, when i was crushing my system on the entire seen, he had to flag me down and get me on his team, deaf squad ent! i said sure.. cool beans.. He then let me sit in front seat of the Tahoe and take a ride, and my ears was pretty much fapping after that... he wanted to know what shop did mines, and I was like man my systems are all done by me. Im a certified graduated degree in electrical and analysis, communication systems whatever... not to mention custom car audio installer.. Ronnie learned alot from me, he needs me to hook his equipment up and test. What im saying is you dont know the story dimwitt. and you dont even know me, or Ronnie. so shut the hell up, your not helping these people! ![]() so "you heard about B".... SO! wtf... ![]() "Who's the caption of the ship? Always check people's eBay feedback before sending any money. Mine's been 100% from the start." Issac whats up buddy, long time.. man I have nothing to do with deaf squad, i dont even have a amp.. lol well a ppi for the highs im saving.. but im not into car audio like that no more. Check ebay, check whatever, its not going to get back to me. ok guys.. "B...Where are you? Got any insider info about Ronnie?" Jesse D I pretty much told you guys about him, i dont know where he lives, he dont know where i live.. we just meet in the city, some times, cause he works their, and im all over the city, bassing... well used to.. |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4314 Registered: Sep-05 | im in NC he is in SC... lol |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4315 Registered: Sep-05 | ohh yea, when we meet, and i showed him, he was like awww shhhh TREOs.. I was like yea baby, then he had the same setup but 4 subs... and he knew everything about the company, and he introduced me to a few comps... i guess i knew him for about 3 years.. |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4317 Registered: Sep-05 | 1 more thing, the TREO stuff, is what I was selling, this is what gave Ronnie the idea for the MM group buy. anyone who has bought TREO stuff from me got it there quick and working, and always took care of them. granted at times, and mostly now TREO is out of parts, but I gave everyone a RMA # and so on... which is why he offered for me to help him sell MM amps... but now it has turned into something else... he is selling everything now, you name it rims, psp, laptops, whatever... without my help either... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4318 Registered: Sep-05 | yea keep the replies coming, ill prob be back in a day or two to answer, keep this thread on top... |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4319 Registered: Sep-05 | link to 1st Calling B out thread... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: ThemannMt. Holly, NC USA Post Number: 117 Registered: Jan-06 | Can you give me ronnie's number b/c I need to speak with him about this amp situation in person, b/c 3 months have gone by with no amp... It would be greatly appreciated. I need the amp or the money for college. |
Gold Member Username: JohnfiacA-ToWn, 9515 thumpin... What u bumpin? Post Number: 3436 Registered: Mar-06 | JNoel, you can get the money back one way.... If you paid through paypal using your debit card instead of direct bank account as the source it is insured with visa... call them tell them you bought a product it went defective and they dont have a replacment for you...... and its still covered. THey will be able to credit your account and pull it back to wherever it went. I have done this before. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 4341 Registered: Jul-06 | ![]() I'm still amused. |
Silver Member Username: JemoneStone Mountain, Georgia United States Post Number: 210 Registered: Jan-06 | Kinda off the subject , but i can see why people stop dealing with maxxsonics. I put a new crunch ground pounder on an atlas square sub and it plays about twenty minutes before it starts to go into thermal protect. I got on my nerves so bad that i put in (Dare I SAY IT!!!}, my old power acoustik 1440t that i had laying around. |
Bronze Member Username: JnoelAIM= j69noel, KY Post Number: 80 Registered: May-07 | well i used my boys bank account at the time i didnt have a i think i'm fukkkked so any other options thanks.... |
Silver Member Username: Scott_debakerPittsburgh, P.A. U.S.A. Post Number: 799 Registered: Feb-06 | B iam not saying that u didnt get me the amp i got it in about a week or so an it work for the 1st day then started going in protection mode an then work then pro. mode again tolk it to the shop like you told me did got all the paper work about it then i shipped it back to you with another $20 inside 2 ship it back been over a year an u keep saying its gettin fixed but know your sayin maxxsonics anit fixing amps anymore an know its with some body else right now anit there anyway you can refund the money back i can go buy one right now brand new for like $400 with a year warranty an we can end it |
Silver Member Username: Tiki89Post Number: 175 Registered: Oct-06 | LOL ya last time i heard ronnie sold the autotek amp you send to B to one of jordans friends. And B says its still at maxxonics getting fixed lmao. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 4359 Registered: Jul-06 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4320 Registered: Sep-05 | no telling what he did with your amp... Maxxsonics dont even have my address, so yea, they returned it to his house. if he sold it, or shipped it to be fixed, still is to be figured out. but i never got my hands on them amp after i shipped everything off the 1st time. I had about 10 amps in my trunk, and i shipped to everyone asap. Treo i dont know what you heard.. or who you heard it from.... if anyone who had a purchase with Ronnie, and can give you the number I have for him. I dont know if its the same number, cause the guy has about 3 phones. I will call him up today, and give him the link to this thread, as i also heard he was on ecoustics also. maybe he can say his part. or at least clear my name... MMann phone number sent thru pm.. |
Bronze Member Username: JnoelAIM= j69noel, KY Post Number: 85 Registered: May-07 | well i'm just working with him all i can in order to get my money back trust is all i got an i gotta trust that he will repay me....i mean it's alotta money to me...i have no other option but to wait for him |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4322 Registered: Sep-05 | i mean he is a pretty trust worthy, he has delivered for alot of people, he also knows alot of people... so hopefully you are in that percent. drop him a voice mail or call him regulary. but i mean, the guy been through alot this year, i think he lost his grandmother, wife, and had moved twice since then. and is starting a family now... |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1626 Registered: Jun-06 | And that makes it ok for him to take peoples money??? If he never ordered the products and quite a few people havent recieved their product, then where is the money? And why cant he give the people who want refunds, their money back right away? He spent money that wasnt his? This is nothing against you B cause I know a few people that have dealt with you with no problem. But making excuses for him is one thing you shouldnt be doing right now. Did you read the thread? |
Gold Member Username: J_baby15Justin Noel ... Post Number: 1987 Registered: Feb-06 | I just want to know why he says for weeks that he has a big order in for Memphis amps. When ppl started wantin refunds all the sudden the Memphis amps were never mentioned again. If he had ordered them they would b here by now nad he could send them out instead of refunds...but obviously they never got ordered...therefore he should still have our money. However with no product and no money then something has to be goin on. |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4324 Registered: Sep-05 | Naledge503, I do not mean to sound sympathetic, or making excuses for him... i mean, that is no reason for him to be doing this... business is business, and should be separated from everything else! Exactly, how can you spend the money with out the assurance that the customer is happy? Jordan, I have no idea what he is doing... I have some free time today, Im going to give him a call. can someone compile a list of threads or people who have made orders? and the ticket on their orders. i will ask about each. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 4369 Registered: Jul-06 | I like how B has tried to place the blame on Ronnie now.The deal was made between B and S.P.D. fix it yourself B,B a man.![]() |
Gold Member Username: B101Everyone is ... USA Post Number: 4325 Registered: Sep-05 | the amps were a group buy, through Ronnie, NOT B... B has NO affiliations with Maxxsonics or is a member of their team... I think you need to go back and find the group buy thread. Everything I was supposed to do, i did do. I place no blame on Ronnie, but he is the one with the amp, not me... so who should one blame? he is the one who shipped it back for repair... not B. all the amps were shipped to his house NOT Bs... maybe its just SPD luck, or Maxxsonics poor quality... but everyone else was satisfied with that particular order. "fix it yourself B, B a man" how am i to fix it? you have very little biz knowledge. Im not going to eat the cost of someone else mess... you must be crazy... I have been a man, by talking with SPD, talking with Ronnie about it, and communicating between the 2. SPD also has Ronnie number. Also starting this damn thread. I really could be doing better things.} |