Voltage Drop


Silver Member
Username: Kaprese

Walstonburg, NC USA

Post Number: 385
Registered: Mar-07
Alright I drive a Saturn SL2 and I have a JVC HU and a cheap Kenwood Mono about 400rms and I have everything wired correctly I promise so why is when the car is in audible the cap reads about 12.88v and when I crank the car it just goes up to 14.06 and not higher until I hit the gas and get up to about 55 ?

Gold Member
Username: Jblanford

Paris, IL

Post Number: 2233
Registered: Oct-06
if the car is off then it will read 12V

Silver Member
Username: Kaprese

Walstonburg, NC USA

Post Number: 386
Registered: Mar-07
What if my car is on and it only reaches 14.06v is this a problem and it dosen't go up to 14.4 or higher until I reach like 55mph

Gold Member
Username: Jblanford

Paris, IL

Post Number: 2234
Registered: Oct-06
thats not really a problem, no need to be worried about it

Silver Member
Username: Kaprese

Walstonburg, NC USA

Post Number: 387
Registered: Mar-07
alright thanks and let ne ask you a question how do you install a battery in the trunk to run amp and subs on would it be like :

1. + from battery to amp
2. - from batttery to amp

or do I need a battery isolator to do this because I don't want to have my car battery hooked up with me trunk battery then it will cause major problems

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Post Number: 6614
Registered: Feb-06
yes that will be a better idea than run + from battery to amp and - from chassis to amp... you will have less voltage drop...

no battery isolator make voltage drops even worse never buy one

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 218
Registered: Apr-07
Your alternator works kind of like your engine- putting out more power at higher rpms.
If you're really concerned about it I'd add a better alternator with an external voltage regulator.
Just connect your + to + and - to - of the batteries.

A better alternator will help you get your voltage up more than more batteries, and besides doing the 'big 3' would be the first upgrade I would do. You need a decent alternator to keep your battery(ies) charged anyway.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Post Number: 6615
Registered: Feb-06
better alternator will not help to get the voltage up.... never will do that it will only give you more current.... if you get a external voltage regulator THEN it will give you more or less voltage regardless of stock or other alt

Silver Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 220
Registered: Apr-07
Alternators with internal regulators can very. I had two identical powermaster 200a alts, one idled at 14.6, the other at 15.2volts.
If you are draining your battery because the alternator isn't keeping it charged, you should definitely upgrade that before adding more batteries to increase the strain. A battery can not charge itself, and being that few will hold a charge of more than 13 volts for long, upgrading your alternator (which bare minimum should be at 13.8volts) will be the most beneficial first upgrade.

Silver Member
Username: Kaprese

Walstonburg, NC USA

Post Number: 388
Registered: Mar-07
Alright can I use a Deep Cycle Battery put it in the trunk run a + from battery to and amp and negative and would be good to (wouldn't it kinda self charge itself or do I need a optima battery)

Silver Member
Username: Kaprese

Walstonburg, NC USA

Post Number: 389
Registered: Mar-07
I don't have to run a + wire to my battery under the hood almost like separating them would this work
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