New member Username: Mikeybo2004Lorain, OH Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | I recently noticed that my fuse on my Amp is melting. I thought maybe I had a bad connection somewhere. I was using a bad ground. I switched to a better ground and figured that would solve the problem but it is still happening. It does not trip the fuse. It just melts the plastic part of the fuse. Do I just need a new amp? I cannot figure out what to do to get it to stop. I am using the correct size fuze. I have been using the same setup for a couple of years and this just started happening. I run 2 Jensen 12" subs in a bandpass box. With a 360 watt DUAL Amplifier and a Jensen9312 DVD Multimedia receiver. Equipment is in a 2005 Dodge Stratus R/T. Thank you for any responses. Mikey |
Gold Member Username: Sploosh56Ohio Post Number: 1632 Registered: May-04 | must be a lot of thunderstorms in your area |
New member Username: Mikeybo2004Lorain, OH Usa Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | Huh? |
Gold Member Username: Sploosh56Ohio Post Number: 1633 Registered: May-04 | |
Bronze Member Username: SqcheapGrand rapids, Michigan Usa Post Number: 55 Registered: Jul-07 | What I have had happen a lot is the fuse holder gets corrosion or dirt in it and limits power flow...causes heat. High draw makes it happen more. Most of them are cheap junk anyway. If it gets hot you have a bad connection there or it is not large enough to carry the current you are running...of course then it should blow once in a while. I would replace the holder and fuse unless you can take it apart and verify its clean and holding the fuse tightly. I usually put dielectric compound in ones that are not in the cabin of the car...sometimes even those I do. (the grease for electric/trailer plugs and spark plug boots) The grease keeps moisture and oxygen out so it is less likely to have a problem. Just pack it in the slots and shove the fuse in, protect the fuse holder best you can. Once they get carbon or corrosion in them you are better off to toss them. If its a nice one and fuse fits tight you can try to clean it with contact cleaner and put the dielectric stuff in it, but keep an eye on it. Feeling for warm spots in your wires under large draw is a good way to find problems, if you can/need to do it. Some other guy on here had lightning blow his fuses out. |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Http://com4.runboard.c... Post Number: 1549 Registered: Jun-06 | You mean the guy who posted right above you..![]() |
New member Username: Mikeybo2004Lorain, OH Usa Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-07 | Thanks sqcheap. In the morning after I leave work I am going to take the cover off of the amp and get all that crap cleaned off of the holder. Make sure the holder is crimped tight around the fuse and add some grease. DUAL is a pretty cheap brand so if that does not solve the problem I will just get another amp. They are only about $30. I have used this one in three different cars. |
Bronze Member Username: SqcheapGrand rapids, Michigan Usa Post Number: 57 Registered: Jul-07 | I would try to save it if in the amp (didn't see that), you might get it clean then poke something sharp and small in there to tighten the clips so the fuse goes in harder on both sides. Otherwise you might be able to just jumper it in there and run an external fuse. I have a dual 460 I got but never used. Yeah the other guy posted the link while I was typing mine in. Pretty strange deal. |
Bronze Member Username: Santa_fePost Number: 60 Registered: Jul-07 | sq are u selling that dual 460 |
Bronze Member Username: SqcheapGrand rapids, Michigan Usa Post Number: 88 Registered: Jul-07 | Sorry its already gone but there seem to be plenty of them out there. I sold it for $40 back to the guy I bought it from for $40...a friend of mine. They didn't seem to be selling on ebay. |