I had my atlas 12's in a 1 cubic ft box hit low really well switched to a 1.3 doesnt sound as good any suggestions?Both sealed boxes...Would puttin that polycotton or wutever it is help any on the low end?
Just add 1/3 cu's of displacement to the inside of your current box, thus mirroring your other box. Displacement meaning anything solid that takes up space. Screw extra pieces of wood down on the inside or make a 1/3 cu'd box and secure it inside somehow. Anything to "displace" the amount of space you need to achieve the 1 cu's you had before. If it doesn't work simply remove it. No harm done.
so you do have the ascendant audio atlas? if you do it should have 2 VC's, so it has 2 terminals one silver the other gold, the gold terminals adjust the qts of the sub, if you leave it open it has high qts which gives the sub a "deeper" sound useally better for sealed boxes, while if you run a "jumper" wire between the the + and - it gives the sub low qts which gives the sub more of a "kick" which is better for ported boxes. for me the low qts has better sq but the high qts seems louder espically if your box is sealed. hope this makes sense.