I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me design a box for my two 8" SS RL-i. I have no problem going to subwoofertools.com to do it myself, but I was hoping for a little more custom design. Obviously with these subs, dimensions are not important as they will fit just fine no matter what - so that's wide open. I would prefer to have the port/ports in the middle rather than side/sides, but it really doesn't matter. I am shooting for the best possible SQL box, whatever that takes as far as chambers and ports and all. The SS site recommends .3 cuft @ 35 hz.
ok its up to your personal taste and dmensions you have to work with but heres what you got to work with so far
.60 cubic feet net target and youll have to use eight 1 inch pvc ports 22.25 inches long at .10 vent mach at 1000 watts rms up to .16 is said to be acceptable but id say .10 is the limit te amount of space taken up for the eight ports at 21.5 inche of port inside the box is .1555 cubic feet ...leave three inches from port wall for ports....if you end using less port inside the box multiply the portion inside by itself times 1.25 times 1.25 divided by 1728 and youll have the amount of space taken up in the box
17.75 wide 8.5 high x 8.75 deep internal = .76397 minus .16 for both subwoofers displacement =.60 cubic feet net and place the ports on the back and make them external is the easiest plan I can give you and use a double baffle in the back maybe to give you 1.5 inches to insert the pvc ports in snuggly just make sure the 8 one inch ports are 22.25 inches long each for a 35 hz port tune