Silver Member Username: Thumpinwith8s2 RE8s, 300 watt Jense..., 133.3db@49hz!! Post Number: 501 Registered: Jun-07 | If you know what it is, I need a keygen/crack for it...anyone | |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 414 Registered: May-07 | wolf i know ur gonna put me in jail before i do it to myself with this crap. but drop me a version i'll see what i can do. | |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 415 Registered: May-07 | alright wolf i got this for ya and the crack,
Silver Member Username: Thumpinwith8s2 RE8s, 300 watt Jense..., 133.3db@49hz!! Post Number: 508 Registered: Jun-07 | trojans please..why u trying to send me a virus? | |
Silver Member Username: Thumpinwith8s2 RE8s, 300 watt Jense..., 133.3db@49hz!! Post Number: 509 Registered: Jun-07 | now that I healed it, says "file not found" guess I'm gonna have to buy it |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 2544 Registered: Dec-06 | Install SRS using the first link but do not open it. The second link is the replacement exe. Copy the replacement exe and paste it into the folder where SRS is installed. It will ask you "do you want to replace..." click yes. Delete the original desktop icon. Right click the new exe in the install folder and "send to desktop". Done. |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 416 Registered: May-07 | yea idk what u mean wolf, that program does the same thing brad said, i tried to upload but idk i guess the forums effed it up. | |
Silver Member Username: Thumpinwith8s2 RE8s, 300 watt Jense..., 133.3db@49hz!! Post Number: 510 Registered: Jun-07 | thanks Brad, your version more popup telling me how many days I have left, and would I like to buy it. woot!!!! I love this program...for those who don't know, its an audio enhancement program...don't know how it works, but it makes my surround sound system sound a LOT better. |