does anybody know the farad to watt ratio for capacitors? how many farads would i need for a 1000 watt amp. do the farads count towards peak power or rms? please help.
Derek I.
Posted on
500 watts per farad. simple. dont pay attention to any Peak ratings, because it is all crap. an amp with a 30 amp fuse cannot produce 1000 watts, its impossible. it would defy physics.
Posted on
hey derek, when you say 500W per farad, do you mean the actual wattage that the amp produces, not the peak rating? If I am using 250 X 2 @ 4 ohms each to my subs, I would need a 2 farad capacitor, right (assuming I need one)? By the way, would this amp/setup need a capacitor?
this is referring to the RMS wattage of the amp. in this situation, i'd recommend a new battery with higher gauge wiring instead of the cap. and it will most likely be cheaper as well. caps are usually used to provide stiffening of the voltage rails to prevent fluxuation, but with a 500 watt system you should be okay. what kind of car are you driving?
for the battery look at a high HCCA rating battery(800 or above) an example of a high HCCA battery would be either the optima yellow top or red to
Posted on
I'm driving a 1996 Honda Passport EX, 3.2L V6. So you think I should get a tougher battery?