im gonna have 4 runs of 1/0 from back batt to front batt. i have about 20 ft laying around of wire in small lengths ill do for amps to fuse holder and big 3 but i need an idea of how much 1/0 i need from the BACK OF AN SUV TO THE FRONT BATTERY. granted im not sure on my next vehicle but im guessin 4 runs would come out to about 60 ft (15 ft per run?) am i right or do i need more or less
i'd play it safe and order more, around 80ft. even if it's to much at least you had it if needed, plus it doesn't hurt to have the extra wire cause you know the prices are always going up. but if i remember right one installer told me (cause i'm looking to get an suv also) for power runs in suvs' there about 15-17ft. a run. don't know if that's true or not, never had nothing but cars.