I have an audio art 100 hc was trying to sell it but no luck so im thinking about just useing it on my next setup i dont need a whole lot of bass so i was thinking a Elemental Designs EHQS12 Subwoofer which is rated at 200 wrms with ither a single 2 or 4 ohm voice coil (i would get one 2 ohm)and run one side of the amp at 2 ohms produceing 235 wrms. now i have two questions.... will the sub handle the extra 35 watts with no problem? and as a guestimation would it get fairly loud in a sealed box? well any way thanks for the input have a nice day
such a nice guy for telling us to have a nice day. lol.
alan my philosophy is......any bass is better than no bass. with that said, yeah go for it. how bad can it be. also ed makes solid subs. i bet it will sound good. and yes over powering it by 35watts isn't going to hurt it.
sure i have never done it but i could... what size box do you guys recomend? i would prefur sealed only cause im going to be building it myself and i dont have a clue on how to port something so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Alan,it would be a shame for you to partner that nice amp to that throw away sub.There's a reason they're 25 dollars,go ahead and see if you can find out.
rob is afraid he is going to be judged by his essays if he doesn't have hundreds of dollars of sony xplod equipment in his honda del sol. piss off rob your a dirty wet back and no one likes you.
Damn,nobody likes me?I'm so devasted by your comment big harv.I actually think I'd rather have Sony equipment in my car than those EHQS pieces of crap.Hundreds of dollars of equipment in my Del Sol?Try thousands.I pay the price for good quality gear and if I wanted to I could buy ED's whole sh1tpile(Stockpile) of those EHQS subs but why would I want them?I wouldn't and I wouldn't reccomend them either.They don't get loud and from what I hear they don't sound good so why bother.Keep talkin sh1t though big noob(harv) it doesn't bother me.I hope I typed this clearly enough for you to understand harv,I'm not sure if you read beyond a 4th grade level or not so...I tried to make it a little descriptive.How's the KKK treatin you by the way?
"I pay the price for good quality gear" You should be thinking about paying the price to get your citizenship papers first.
"They don't get loud and from what I hear they don't sound good so why bother." You shouldn't offer advice when you have no knowledge of the subject. I have two of the subwoofers and I can tell you they do sound good and get fairly loud.
My EHQS install isn't for comp so your attacks don't mean anything to me.
While your talking about a fourth grade reading level, don't forget to mention your use of punctuation. You communicate on below a fourth grade level, but if you were a legal citizen you would have the right to attend public schools.