Alright, I have my Pioneer DEH P6007 HU that does pretty good. I have an Alpine MRD-M605 Mono channel amp hooked to 2 10" Alpine Type-S. Now I need to do something about the stock speakers. I need a good 4 channel amp, and 4 good 6x8's that put good sound thats loud. not looking for bass from these, the subs do that pretty well. right now on the HU i have the HPF on 125, so the speakers have nearly no bass which is what I want. I was thinking a 4-channel Alpine amp, with the alpine type-s 6x8s. they are 50rms each, so a 50x4 amp/4-channel would be what i needed. but any ideas would be great. im wanting to spend 250-400 for the amp and the 4 speakers. (type s 6x8 are less than 100 a pair, not sure about the amp)
I wouldn't go with the 6x8's, I would go with components with a 2 channel or a 4 channel bridged to 2 amp (that way if you hate the components, which you wont, you can unbridge it and go back to your original idea). Components at $100 a pair will get you something decent in terms of comps, but 100x better than most coax's.