Sry to bug yall again. If you can just direct me to a site ill be good. im prolly jsut being dumb but hey.
Ok from teh sites ive looked at trying to get measurements for a slot port thing. they all seem to be square or round. waht if i want rectangualur? what i want to do is have a rectangular slot on each side of teh box. waht i want to do is run it teh whole length up teh side. but i want to know is waht width and the length going back to put it at. if that makes sense. if it doesnt i can like draw a quick picture or soemthing.
also what is liek a all aroudn tuning lot of people use. i was thinkin just 35. i noob so i like your opionions. :D
square ports are based on the amount of square inches. like a 4 in sq. port 5 in. long is 90 square inches. so your slot port in you case would be 16.5 x 5.45 inches = 90 sq. in.