Does a bad ground = more potential for clipping?


New member
Username: Allstar71

Jefferson, Ga

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-07
I am kinda confused about clipping I completely understand what clipping is. however I am grey as to what causes clipping. I have heard that a bad ground can make the amplifier clip at lower gain settings. is this true? What else can cause the amp to clip besides the obvious turning the gain up too high...

Bronze Member
Username: Kpa2727

Post Number: 86
Registered: May-07
cliping is a result as to over driving your speaker or amp it simply clips off the sound wave.

a normal sound wave has a nice curved up and down like a oceans wave, when you clip you lop off the peak of the wave causeing what's called clipping. now bad ground can cause you to clip for the reason that your not feeding what the amp demands. when u don't give what the amp demands it has no other option then to run at lover volumes other wise the amps power will drop and the sound waves won't be transmitted correctly which will clip the signal which is also bad. kind of like imagine jumping a car your doin say 25 mph and u need to hit 60 mph the car won't go anyfaster cause there no more power to drive it. so u hit the ramp and fall short and crash. the car is your sound wave the crash being you clip. others can be more percise then me but thats a quick example.
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