box is 32hz and jsut wnat to know what to set up my bros amp @ thers no subsonic filter...theres three switches for the sub channel ( its a 5 channel amp) one says sub input and there two switches for that one, one saying full/hpf/lpf, and the other saying int/ext...and theres another one saying sub x-over then it says full/hpf/lpf again...what do i set these too...thanks...
one mmats pro series 12" 250rms dual 4ohm...hes got a ppi 5 channel amp, i was jsut wondering what to set the lpf to...the box is around 32-35hz....the lpf is what i have to set right?...not the hpf....
yeah so how would i got about having a cutoff frequency....cuz theres no sub sonic filter on the amp...? bc should be i be cutting it off around 32-35hz(thats what the box is tuned too)