I have 2 ports 4x4x15 there is 4" in between them, I need to know if that is okay or if I should change them. Angle them away from each other! Any ideas?
It looks like the ports are coming in from the left and right respectively and end 4" apart from each other.
He wants to know if he turns the ports inward and makes them end at the black area would that be better?
If you did it like the pic shows you would be extending the ports and the tuning will drop. You can make them shorter and then make the turn to keep the tuning the same.
I don't know if it would be better to do that though.
Yes right now the ports are aimed right at each other with about 4" in between them. so I was wondering if that was bad or if it even matters. if it does I can turn them 90 at end as long as I am same sq in for port to stay tuned where it is.