Directed and orion subs?


Bronze Member
Username: Da_jay_man06

Crestview, Florida U.s.a

Post Number: 38
Registered: Apr-07
ok i went to a actual car audio shop this time(not circut city) and they carry directed and orion products i was just wonder if these brands have good build quality, good power handling, if they are all around worth a darn. thanks for the help.

Bronze Member
Username: Smoger45

Post Number: 23
Registered: Jan-05
Directed or DEI makes an awesome amp. I had an old skool 1100d which pounded anything. it put a hurting on my infinity kappa perfects like no other. As for orion i feel the old skool stuff is alot better.

Gold Member
Username: Logan__tille

Team RD Audio

Post Number: 7452
Registered: Feb-06
^^^^Old School Directed amps were the sh!t. But now since DEI owns them...the have been going down hill. I would look into something else.

Silver Member
Username: Denim, MD

Post Number: 256
Registered: Nov-06
There is nothing wrong with the current DE ibuilt equipment. Orion/PPI/ADS/Directed all good equipment, might not be as top end as they used to be but still very solid stuff regardless.

Gold Member
Username: J_baby15

DiRtY 5oUtH ...

Post Number: 1831
Registered: Feb-06
I like my 2500ds...they make very solid amps...not sure bout the subs tho, i'll let otehrs speak for those.

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 4394
Registered: Jan-06
um logan DEI is directed....anyway DEI made great stuff and they still continue to do so.

Gold Member
Username: J_baby15

DiRtY 5oUtH ...

Post Number: 1832
Registered: Feb-06
correction: likeD my Orion 2500ds, I sold em.
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