I'm getting 2 12" RD elites RMS is 1000 watts my amps are 800 RMS if I run my amps at max 800 watts to these subs will that burn out my amps from maxing them out all the time if so what would be a good amp or 2 amps 2 get 2 run these subs that are cheap or decent price price range 200 -350
The gain is for nothing more than matching the input v of the amp to the output voltage of the deck. (Wonders if i said that right...well anyway.) So, in theory, your amp, correctly gained IS maxed. Just turning up the gain in an attempt to get more out of it is asking for trouble. Both your amp and your subs run the chance of injury. 800rms should do you well, but if you choose to upgrade a good 1000-1200wrms would be sufficient.
What is the ohm load of the subs, or the final you seek if you know it? Without it, i cant recommend and amp, and im unfamiliar with what load they come with.