tc makes a nice driver. i think the rms is 400? correct me if im wrong. look at a zx750.1? for two of them, that amp is under rated. and should pound those nicely
I have those, the only bad part is that I've been waiting for their box for 2 months now, hopefully I'll have it soon. For the price, not sure there're lots of woofers that are better. TC recommends giving them a bit more than 400W, so if you get 2 single 4ohm subs, get zx1000.1.
I own a pair of those...and personally talked to Kyle when I bought them (live about 10 minutes away)...and was told that 400rms is very conservative (he said they actually test them withh 1000rms for 24 hours)...I'm feeding mine 700rms each and they take it without a problem (just for some more info for you)
I was told something very similar in that they have a lot of overhead, especially in the higher bass frequencies. Hey kklage, how's the SQ on those and how loud do they get? Oh and what kind of a box are they in?