i used to have 2 type X's with a Orion 2500D amp and i blew one my my subs so i got 2 JL Audio W6s D2 V4...there only 400 watts a piece so its 800 together... i was wondering if i could add another sub and jsut connect them all to once amp... how could i do this and still get max power from each sub... i was gunna add my other Type X that i didnt blow and all subs are 4 ohms.. can i do this
id prolly wire to 2.3ohms when u do it tho, dont wanna screw up the amp, itll take alot of current to run it at .6ohm, plus itd prolly blow the JLs or clip them all to death if ur bang for a while.
If you have a good chargin system run the .6ohm ;) but are all the subs sealed.. ported.. tuned the same? ect... if not i dont really kno where you want to set the freq. on the amp..
(4+4)/3=2.667ohm, not 2.3ohm. Anyway, that's really the only way to wire them because at 0.6ohm the amp will produce too much power for those subs. Is the amp even stable 0.667ohm??