The cap's positive terminal is connection to the battery's positive AND that same postive of the cap is also connected to the amp's positive terminal, is this right??
it was easy in my truck because the front seats are all one i used that as a ground (SEEING IS HOW IT WAS ALL ON ONE FRAME) so my ground came from there...and the rest was just positive from battery, to cap...and from where the positive goes into the cap run another positive to the amp (really didnt mke a lights still dimmed when the bass hits...just reads the voltage...which my amp did already)
Oleg, you were right with your first post. Of course you need to ground the cap separately, otherwise you're in good shape (You do have a HO alt. if I recall, so you're one of the very few people out there who actually has use for a cap).
If your cap only has one terminal, then yes. I can't think of any other way it would work. I have 2 caps sitting in my closet right now, a tsunami 1.5 farad and a power acoustik 5 farad, and both of them have 2 + and 2 - terminals, you know, 'entrance and exit'.
Why does it have to grounds if it's to be grounded separately?
Not sure what you mean here. You need to ground the cap if it has not been done already. Otherwise, by your description, it sounds like it's wired correctly: +input, + output, and a ground. They are simple things to install or remove. Just make absolutely certain everything is tight and will not come loose; A poorly wired/grounded cap could be messy...