What do they cost and what kind of numbers vs power do you think it would need? Im debating on getting a new car soon since this suv is fu<king up... 1 sub setup if it gets loud enough...
They are in the uper $2000K range. As far as I know, just order one and they wil build it for you. Only thing is, don't expect ANY Sq out of it. Hey Killa, you hear about the Rd SHW with 4 inch voice coil hehe.
The Z series have been in production for two years. They are made in 10,12,15 and 18" sizes.The 2007 models have several improvements over the 2006 models.
The endusers buying the Z series are not using them in sq applications but they sound very good in the right application.
I believe Allen Dante has done over 179 legal on the tl meter with one sub and two amps.
Your reading right Paul; one sub and two amps. About 16000 watts. They will burp with over twice that power. I believe his score was 179.3. A four woofer (Z subs) vehicle did a 179.6. Both were world champs in their class in dbdrag. You can look them up on termpro. (extreme 1 and extreme 4)
^^yup. I think teh 2 18" Z series wit 4 Z2s is wat set the record for em with the 184.?? numbers may b wrong, but that was the set up i saw in the SA comp when the meter wouldn't even stay on the window.
This dude that I saw at the comp in Pomona said he's getting 2 of them soon. That's the guy that had 7 runs of 3/0 wire, 16kW powering 2 RE Mts tuned to 62Hz. If I see him again, I'll get his info for ya lol