I was at the car lot with a friend today and saw and Audi quattro with no dome light but it had lights under the seats to illuminate the floor when you get in. I was wondering if anyone could help me to do this to my vehicle. i have a 2004 Accord. I have an idea of how to do it but dont know where i would tap into to act as a "remote" to activate the light. I have keyless entry and want it to come on with the dome light. Thanks
Best bet would probably be to use a relay off of the wire that powers the dome when you unlock your doors. The issue, like you said, would be finding that wire. Try and track down an Accord wiring diagram (not just audio obviously). You may want to look for an Accord message board and ask there, someone might be able to point you in the right direction. I'd suggest using cold cathodes for the lights themselves, I got mine from Oznium.com but I run mine off of a switch rather than have them triggered with the doors or the dome. You may even want to try poking around the Oznium.com forum, there's some good information and helpful people over there. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
i have my car set up like that actually. my dome like and door lights see 12v constant but only - when a door is opened or you move the switch. so just connect the neons to the dome like wires. i just went the easy route and run wires from inside my roof down into the carpet under the seats where the lights are