Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 335 Registered: Sep-05 | someone mentioned something about aero ports... im intrested but not sure how to do it, can anyone give me a link or help me out with it... heres the vented enclosure i was going to build for my mb quart 15" |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sHit you in the chest m... Post Number: 2130 Registered: Feb-06 | you need to get someone to do a design for you using aero ports... most people will make one for free of for about 5-10 bucks... |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 336 Registered: Sep-05 | do you know of anyone here that would do it for free? i would give some paypal cash, but my paypal is locked =\ |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 337 Registered: Sep-05 | anyone ? =x |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1066 Registered: Aug-04 | How big of box do you want and what are your maximum dimensions and what would you like it tuned to? |
Gold Member Username: Matt12490California USA Post Number: 2262 Registered: May-05 | What is the model number, and is it just 1 sub? |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 338 Registered: Sep-05 | There is the sub... it will be only 1 of them, powering it will be PG octane r 15:0:1... the reoomended sealed, is 1.5 cuft... orginally i was gonna build a vented enclosure but someone recoomended aero port, i never herd, or attempted to build one. but i want to... max trunk demensions are... 33"x16" not sure how deep, atleast 25"...and would liek it tune to 35 hz ...unless someone else thinks something different... |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 339 Registered: Sep-05 | Steinkea? come up with anything? |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 342 Registered: Sep-05 | up ^ please |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 343 Registered: Sep-05 | alright well it seems no one here can help me with the aero ports, so im just gona do vent... |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1079 Registered: Aug-04 | Sorry I have been really busy. I can post something up for you later on tonight. Aero ports are a vented enclosure. Anything ported is considered vented. |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 344 Registered: Sep-05 | well, i ment not using pvp pipe, lol, like straight line, hard to explain... ok i will wait for you to post it up, you got all the info you need rite? |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1082 Registered: Aug-04 | Here ya go. This should be 3 cuft tuned to 35 hz. The ports are 2 4 inch flared ports. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 100 Registered: Feb-07 | is there a difference in sound between those and a regular rectangular port? |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 347 Registered: Sep-05 | aright so i go to homedepot and tell them i need 2 4 inch flared pipes, 16.5" long and theyl no wat im talking about? and wehre exactly shuld these ports be places, like how many inches shuld they be seperated from each other? thank you sooo much steinka for the help. |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1084 Registered: Aug-04 | Sorry didnt get back on until now. Home depot will not have flared pipes. You can get them from or else you can try parts express. You will prolly have to cut them to the length you need. If you decide to go to PVC ports you have to subtract one inch from the length of the port. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 2262 Registered: Jul-06 | Rick it sounds as if you don't know exactly how to do this.You should have a box built for you and then work on building your own to see how it's done.The good thing about this would be that you get to bump and work on your own box without ever being without a system ![]() |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 349 Registered: Sep-05 | ahh im so confused... when you say if i use pvc ports subtract an inch? so i would get 2 pvc pipes 15.5 inches long? and can i use pvc pipe instead of flared pipe, will there be a big sounding difference? |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1089 Registered: Aug-04 | Yes the PVC pipes would have to be 15.5 inches long. There really wont be noticeable different between the flared and PVC ports. Flared ports are easier to mount than PVC though. |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 350 Registered: Sep-05 | ya i can visually see that lol flared all you do is pop them in and seal around them while pvc, will take soem good cutting and sealing job... umm one last question, how far should the ports be away from each other and the bottom/top box, and i say i need 2 4" 15.5" long pvc pipes theyl no wat im talking about rite? thanks for all your help, steinkea. |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1092 Registered: Aug-04 | It doesnt really matter where the ports are located. Just try and get them in a spot where it looks good. At Home Depot you will prolly only be able to get full lengths of PVC pipe and will have to cut them down I am not really sure you will have to check with them. |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 353 Registered: Sep-05 | is there a program that tells you the exact cut outs of the mdf u need for sealed boxes... because im stupid when it comes to geting the exact cut outs... |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1094 Registered: Aug-04 | No offense but I have a feeling you are gonna mess this up. I really think that your best bet may be to actually buy a box. |
Silver Member Username: QuigPittsburgh, Pa Us Post Number: 354 Registered: Sep-05 | ive built 3 boxes.. 2 sealed and 1 ported... not aero ported tho..its aright ill figure it out... |
Gold Member Username: Adam_s15 TC9 Hybrid, RE MT Softparts Post Number: 1096 Registered: Aug-04 | The aero ports dont matter anything to how the box needs to be built. You just have to build the box to the dimensions I listed and cut holes for the ports put them in and be done w/ it. I have calculated everything out for you already. |