Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 983 Registered: Dec-06 | |
Silver Member Username: Joebruce15 Inch Wang... Post Number: 658 Registered: May-04 | MC_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33573QQihZ019QQitemZ7963120283QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZW D1V That should take care of it. |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 986 Registered: Dec-06 | ya i was looking to buy on i just gotta wait for about a month or two so i can get some cash. I no i gotta upgrade the big 3 with this but can i keep my stock batt |
Silver Member Username: Joebruce15 Inch Wang... Post Number: 660 Registered: May-04 | I was told that your stock batt is more than enough if you upgrade your alt. When you do your big 3 can you post pics b/c we have the same truck and i would like to get an idea of how to do it when the time comes for me to do it. |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 987 Registered: Dec-06 | k. i cant remember the name of the company but i belieive it starts with a K but its a wire company. anyone know the web site and about how much 1/0 gauge wire i should order...thanks |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 1837 Registered: Jul-06 | Wrong alternator choice. You want the Amputator series. This one: MC_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33573QQihZ019QQitemZ7963120240 Never forget about idle amperage! |
Silver Member Username: Joebruce15 Inch Wang... Post Number: 661 Registered: May-04 | i would get about 10-12ft just to be safe. M.S.-Whats the difference in the dominator and amputator series besides price? Is it just the amps at idle? I was told that its better to have a higher amperage while driving rather than at idle. |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 990 Registered: Dec-06 | i believe its better quality and idle amperage |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 991 Registered: Dec-06 | do i need anything besides the 1/0 to do the big 3? |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1009 Registered: Nov-04 | If they make the amputator in the 260A version, I'd get it, but otherwise stick with the dominator - it's cheaper anyway. If you don't upgrade the alternator soon, you'll see that your battery will be dying and car won't start. It's good to have a good deep cycle battery b/c: 1. it ensures your car starts each and every time 2. it produces more current (for when car's off) 3. most of them charge/discharge faster |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 995 Registered: Dec-06 | ok well i have about a month to look around for an alt. i just bought 10ft of 1/0 gauge from u rly think i should get the dominator even though the idle amperage is 110 and the amputator amperage is 175 at idle. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1010 Registered: Nov-04 | The whole point of a HO alt is to get more current while driving, at least for me. If you're looking to bump while not moving, just turn the car off and get a kinetik or 2 in the'll be all set. You'll also be surprised how much cleaner the system sounds. Lights dimming is an indication of you not feeding the subs clean power. |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 997 Registered: Dec-06 | o. also when upgrading the "big 3", the 3 wires that you replace with lower gauge are the 1.Alt to positive side of batt 2.Batt ground 3.Engine Ground ^^^right ill also prob get the dominator series cuz its more power wile driving and cheaper. I mostly listen to my system crusing around anyway. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1012 Registered: Nov-04 | yes, that's the big 3 and that's what i'll be uprading in the next few days also. |
Silver Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1000 Registered: Dec-06 | do u mind postin some pics of u doing it for us lesser of knoledge ppl (like myself) ![]() or at least befor and after |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 1844 Registered: Jul-06 | " I was told that its better to have a higher amperage while driving rather than at idle. " BS. They are BOTH important. " The whole point of a HO alt is to get more current while driving, at least for me. " Refer to the above question + answer " otherwise stick with the dominator - it's cheaper anyway " So he should get the smaller alternator just because it's cheaper? We all know how car audio is, you always want to upgrade. If you're spending hundreds of dollars on an HO alt, do it right and get the biggest one available. Now lets review: Dominator posted above = 260 / 110 idle Amputator I posted = 220 / 175 idle I prefer to have to maximum idle amperage possible, but that's just me. If you want the most amperage possible while driving, then get this alternator: MC_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33573QQihZ019QQitemZ7963120329 Amputator 300 / 135 idle. That's more driving AND idle amperage than the Dominator posted above. As I said before, when buying an HO alt, get the largest one available. It's cheaper to do it right the first time than to buy another alt later. Plus, you can never have too much when it comes to power supply. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1017 Registered: Nov-04 | The funny thing is that I myself am getting some help in another thread on this very subject. I've got it almost figured out. For the 2 ground (chassis) wires, simply trace the wires from the engine to ground and batt neg to ground. My alt connection is trickier and I'm not sure how i'm going to proceed. Yours maybe easier, but first just trace the wiring. You don't have to replace the existing wire or even run the new wire through the same place...just add it on and wire through a place where it doesn't interfere with anything. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1018 Registered: Nov-04 | M.S. is right, but we both have different points, and that's why I said that i was just my opinion. The 2nd amputator he posted seems really nice and 300A is AWESOME. You won't need any alternator upgrades after that. To answer your question, M.S., if money is tight, then every dollar counts and, yes, in that case I would get the cheaper alt if i can get away with it - again, that's just me. |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sHit you in the chest m... Post Number: 2124 Registered: Feb-06 | you're clipping your subs...especially on that seconds song... |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1002 Registered: Dec-06 | ya cuz the voltage drop i plan on getting an HO alt in the near future to solve that problem |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1003 Registered: Dec-06 | and does bad power damage the amp too or just the subs? |
Gold Member Username: Snarl2004Audioque 12 SD2.5s, Earthquake P... Post Number: 1004 Registered: Dec-06 | hows this one: MC_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33573QQihZ019QQitemZ7963120230QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZW DVW |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1039 Registered: Nov-04 | That's a good one too, although I still like the 300A one with 135A at idle. Clipping usually damages the speakers. |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 1872 Registered: Jul-06 | ^^^^ Werd ANY of the Amputator series would be good you just gotta decide if you want more driving amperage or idle amperage |