ctmike 359$ for that amp isnt bad lol i just nevr thought they wre any good i always thought they were like legacy or something my bad lol.. and it runs at 1 ohm .. but does it put its rated power out? my gess is yea ince ure saying there hard to beat.. but how come no one really has them?
the only reason i don't have them is i tend to buy from dealers and they are pricey. still, they are worth every dollar imo. and figuring the msrp on the md2 is about $800-850 (if i remember right), yeah $360 is a pretty good deal. and you'll get the power it states it'll do and then some.
and yeah, you were far off thinking they compare to legacy.
lol yea i gess i was wrog about the legacy thing haha.. well ill prolly be geting the us over the kicker then . thanx for info although the us is about 60 more dollars then the kicker but still puts out more and better rom what u guys say
Not a lot of people have them because they tend to be more expensive and there're other budget oriented quality brands out there that cost less, i.e.: kicker
well idc man is the us amps is one of the best , and durable then il be getting one definately.. i just have to see if my dad will order off ebay cuz he hates doing it.. it is funy how i payed almost as much fo rmy kenwood amp but teh us is maybe 50 more but still teh us amp would rule teh kenwood and th kenwood is crap now after 4 months
Yes, US amps is very good and you should get that amp. To persuade your dad, just pick a seller with really high feedback rating and have your dad check that out. It's really hard to beat eBay most of the time.
yes im am geting tht amp as soon as possible, because i still have my kicker dual4ohm and i can wire them into 1 ohm so ill use them until i get my new subs.. but i just hope he will let me get it.. i have teh money i just have to ask him.. but do u think that amp will blow those subs there 300 rms but man i swear they can take so much more. me n my friend tommy had his diamond 1500d6 hooked to those and teh gain all the way down and man it ounded the helll outa them . we had it on them for about 2 weks and they kept going strong.. but if that us amp is to powerfull ill just keep it at low levels. although that diamond had a weird hookup it needed omehting weird to be hooked up i dont even remeber what it was.
so rob.. zapco and ppi is better .. an \d mmats is expensive thats out of teh list. and oleg.. no i was saying il use that amp with my kickers till i get my new subs ill rpolly be getting 2 r's then later upgrade to 2 bl's . but yea im just gonna use that amp untill i get new subs , but fo rnow i can use the us amp if i get it for them cuz i yave really no use for the kickewrs wthout an amp and i would rather hav ethem hoked up than no bass lol.. they pound pretty hard from what i think but i proly dont know what real pounding is yet lol..
I wouldn't get PPI.... they went downhill after Directed bought them out (they're still ok, just not great like they used to be). I will take US amps over them or mmats.
Zapco, IMO, is among the best amp companies out there, if not the best.