so i put my sub in, and everything looked great and works, but i was getting this wierd vibration, i figured it was something loose in my box like my wires, so i took my sub out tied down my wires, but i was still getting this sound, so i took out my sub and played it whil it was out of the box and i heard it so i knew it wasnt to do with my box, i cleaned it with a cloth in case there was ne thing on the cone, but it still does this... mabe its normal? but ive never heard ne ones sub do this and it cant be blown because not only have i never played it loud but it sounds good when the seat is up and the sub isnt facing me directly... so does ne body know wat it could be, mabe how i wired it ( i wired it for 4 ohms my amp said lowest recomended ohm 2) or mabe my amp settings or mabe i dont know... can ne body give me some suggestions.. its really annoying
sigh can ne body tell how i can tell if its a blown speaker... thats the only thing i can think of.. but i havnt even played it loud at all AKSHKHASGKAG god this is pissing me off
check your amp and make sure nuttin its touching the heatsink....
then check your coice coil get a multimeter and check every coil if one of them it reads alot diferent the speaker its blown ...then check yoru connections and finally check if u have a broken thing
sigh... well its definatley not that.. god this pisses me off. there is no way i could have blown that speaker.. it must have come broken in the package.. do u think they will give me a new one???
which sub is it? but you really need by a digital multi meter and experiment with it. you'll find out it's handy if you're planning on doing car stereo stuff for a while.